Back to work

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Christmas was what it always is, quiet, bland, and lots of work before returning to school. Rosie went back to her home soon after she saw us, so it was back to arguing with my brother over who was the better Quiddich player.

Anyway, good thing we were back at school.

Our defence against the dark arts teacher, Gilderoy Lockhart, he's... questionable. Well, he's terrible. Probably the worst teacher in the school. No, he definitely is.

He is so full of himself we get nothing done because all he does is speak about himself. I cannot stand one more lesson with him, and that's saying something, my brother is possibly the most self-obsessed person I've ever met and somehow Lockhart has surpassed him.

My other lessons are good, my interest has always been defence against the dark arts but with this teacher... potions has overtaken it. Mainly because it's quite simple at the end of the day, it's mixing together different substances and talking about what they do. Oh, and Snape is undeniably the funniest teacher we have, whenever he insults someone in our class I have to stifle so much laughter.

It's nice to see my friends, yes, friends, I have more than 1 friend, Rosie is not my only friend. I met this girl called Nakayi Huges, a pureblood whose family is quite successful in banking. We were put in the same dorm and for awhile we didn't say a word to each other, but we both started complaining about all the work we got over the holiday and... we got talking about other things, from there we just kept talking.

Nakayi and I were playing with a ball we found just before I was going too go to quidditch practice. We were throwing it to each other and whoever dropped it first had to do the other's homework. She threw it behind us we run and it rolled next to 2 people wearing Hufflepuff robes.

"Can I have that back please?" I asked, gesturing loosely to it.

"Yes, of course!" The student had short brown hair and was quite tall.

"You're pretty nice for a Slytherin" this boy stepped back, he had the most gelled hair I've ever seen in a side parting.

"What does that mean?" Nakayi raised her eyebrows, a little annoyed.

"Well, all Slytherins are evil."

"You think all Slytherins are evil, do you?" I looked over to Nakayi, who just rolled her eyes. I can't tell if he's being honest or not, but I find it quite funny so I'll let it go. "Sure."

"Want to join our game?" Nakayi said.

"Sure, I'm Ace." He smiled, giving a friendly wave. Very Hufflepuff.

"And I'm Sam" he introduces himself. "I will never trust either of you, for the record."

"I'm Eliana,"

"I'm going to call you Ells." Ace immediately said.

"Me too," Sam joined.

"It's cute, I will!" Nakayi nodded.

"What- no, my name is Eliana." I argued, not happy with this nickname.

"Too late, Ells." Nakayi walked back. I wish I had time to argue my way out of this name but I noticed the time. "Oh, sorry, I would love to stay and talk but I'm nearly late for practice."

"Have fun." Ace said enthusiastically.

"Tell your team you're better than Draco!" Nakayi told me.

"You know they already know that!" I shouted over to her before I ran off to the pitch.


Awhile later...

I saw Nakayi and Rosie watching from the stands, after the practice I thought it would be best to finally get some encouragement after being told my team "I'll never get a real spot" with the justification that insults fuel anger. Which is true but it still hurt!

"Hey guys, what did you think?" I say to them covered in dirt after falling off my broom!

"You were so good! They are ruining our team by not putting you on it." Nakayi said. "Oh, look who's trying to become Slytherins!" We saw Ace and Sam come over to us.

"Who are these guys?" Rosie asked curiously.

"I have more friends than just you!" I laughed. "This is Ace and Sam, they are Hufflepuffs we met this afternoon."

"Oh, cool!" She stood up when she saw Draco walk off the pitch. "Me and Draco are going too go back to the common room now, see you later!" Rosie and Draco walk off and Sam says the most random thing...

"Hey, you know my parents are timelords?"


Random doctor who crossover because I'm the author and can do whatever I want! :) (and because sometimes you just want a random plot point)

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