Friends, Family, Love and Happiness

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"Ells!" She hugged me from behind and I turned round.
"Hay Rosie!" I said.
"But I thought you died?"
"Yes well, I did but not permanently" then I heard my mother behind me.

"Ells?" I turned to my parents and smiled.
"Your alive?" My father stuttered.
"I took the resurrection stone from Harry, that's how he lived, and that's how I lived." Nakaii came up as well and said
"Ells!!! Your alive" I laughed and relied
"Heard a lot of that, yes I'm alive."
"What about?" My father said.
"He's gone, properly this time, and he isn't coming back."
"We are going to go back now but we will meet you back at Malfoy Manor but we should talk later." She hugged me and they started to walk away slowly. Like I said, we aren't the most affectionate but we know what we mean. I remember seeing something crazy, I turned round and I saw Sam. Sam? Sam was dead, but then I remembered, Sam is a time lord, he regenerates, obviously in the moment I had totally forgotten but I saw him and ran up to him so quickly I can't be seen.
"Sam!!" I hugged him and he laughed a bit.
"Sorry for the slow regeneration, the spell I was hit with took awhile to were off and let my body regenerate!"
"Oh I don't care" I pulled back and I looked in his eyes "your alive and that's all that matters!"
"Well from what I hear I'm not the only one who died today and came back" he laughed more.

"Ells?" I turned to my left and saw Luna, Luna Lovegood, my first love, my only love.
"Luna!" We both ran to each other and in the moment we kissed, it had been years but finally we were free from everything, and I didn't care anymore what my parents thought, I only cared about what we thought. "I'm so sorry."
"For what?" She asked.
"For what happened in Malfoy Manor, I truly tried to stop it with all my power, but there, it wasn't enough."
"That wasn't your fault, and see, he is gone now, we don't have to be afraid any more" as she said that a tall man who looked like Luna walked up behind her.
"Luna— is this?"
"Yes Father, this is the girl I told you about" I put my hand out and introduced myself.
"Ells Malfoy, I'm so sorry about Luna, I truly tried to stop it." He introduced himself but for the live of god I cannot spell his name, and I'm not even going to try.
"Well it's not your fault, and it's over now, I see no need to hold it against you." He laughed a bit.

Then Hannah, Zazie and Rebecca came, and all my other friends (which there aren't many but?) and we all agreed to see each other soon.

"Guys" I called them over. "I can't thank you all enough, what we have been through since 1st year to now, and we still have a year left, the journey we have been on together is insane, and there are truly no words to describe how incredible you all are. Everyone of you has helped me through something, Draco, being there for me through my whole life, in and out of school, you and me could concur the world if we wanted too, I love you so much, and I can never express how grateful I am to be your sister, Nakaii, spending every second together, in class, out class, and on wild journeys, you have been with me through thick and thin, you really have shown me blood is not what makes a family, it's love. Sam, gotta say your frickin weird but that's what I love about you, your time box, tardis? The police box, it's so random but it's so you and that is what makes you so unique, Hannah, you are so smart, the knowledge you posses could put you up against the smartest Ravenclaw, the books you have read, the things you have learned, no one I know could match it. Zazie, your creativity is amazing, your complex mind is something I will never be able to unravel, you add so much to what it is to be a Ravenclaw, it's not just being smart it's so much more, Rebecca, helping me kill one of the most annoying people who has ever walked this planet, that I can never thank you for enough, your smarts and your personality is something of craziness but you also bring so much more to Ravenclaw than just what is said. Tami, you have comforted me through some of the most confusing parts of my life, you have made me laugh so hard and the things you come up with are incredible, you have added so much light to my darkest days, Morgain, oh you smart Ravenclaw, you truly live up to the name, your plans and your wisdom brings honour to the Ravenclaw name. Sienna, we have been such great partners in class we can solve anything with are minds, our creative pranks on Griffindors is something that brings me joy everyday when I remember them. And Rosie, my sister, my friend, since the moment I met you we have instantly connected, and it's not just because we share blood, our life's have been intangled for so long and I'm so happy because of that, danger and safety you have been there, and so has Draco, and Nakaii, and all of you, Luna I cannot truly thank you enough, you where the one to help me realise who I am, whatever others think. These years have been nothing but true madness but with you all there, it has been easier. Thank you." We all hugged and me, Draco, Rosie, Tami and Nakaij started to walk home, their mother was in America, she wanted to skip the war, and her father was dead, so they decided to stay with us for awhile and we said that would be fine.

Authors note: Sos this is so long but there is still more so stay tuned! Also I'm making an alternative ending and something really funny to go with this so this is not the end!!

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