Growing up

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Authors note: I would continue what happens but i need to watch the 7th movie so here is something a little different but I promise I will get back to the story soon!

I think it would be cool to tell you how I grew up, sooooo here!

I grew up in Malfoy Manor with my mother, Narcissa, father, Lucius, and brother, Draco who is 1 year older than me. Me and my brother where taught by my mother until I was old enough to go to Hogwarts, she taught me so many things and my father taught me 1, the importance of blood purity. It was such a important lesson, probably the most, my family has probably the purest frickin blood you'll ever see, haha!! If you have ever met my brother and my father you may see they are quite similar, and I am quite similar too, but I'm also different. Our family has a house elf, Dobby, who is very useful and if frequently given death threats by my father, yes he did that, so if you ever think why my ideas of how to hurt someone are extreme you know where I got them. Hehe.

My house is very big and over the years of me living there I have found many secret passages and rooms, that's how I got my curiosity, I always know there is something more than seems. My room is at the top of a tower so it takes so long for me to walk up there, and no when I have been coming down the stairs I haven't just jumped down and broken my leg, I'm not dumb. I spent most of my time in my room reading, drawing or just looking out my wide window, and When I felt depressed I would just stare at a wall, yes I lived a exciting life. The library is also where I spent a lot of time, I read A LOT when I was at home, I became unbeatable at cards , me and my brother played a lot of monopoly and we fought a lot over it, and the 1 thing I did with my father is chess, yer, I'm not that great at it and regularly lost, it was very rare when I won.

Before I found out I was adopted I had long bleach blond hair like my father and my brother, i guess it's a Malfoy thing. This is a little complicated so, when I found out I was adopted I found out my natural hair colour was ginger like my biological sister, Rosie, but soon after I asked for the spell to make my hair blonde again because I didn't want to go back to school and everyone asking what happened and I didn't want to seem different so I got it and turned my hair blonde again. Get it? hope you did.

My parents do really reflect how I grew up, my views of blood purity, my strength to get what I want, though I didn't ask for too much growing up, and just the way I act in general. But I do have kindness from my mother, she is very nice and she taught me more than just how to look down others who are muggle born. Actually I should emphasise how much I was taught that muggles are bad, wrong, worse than us magic folk, it was such a prominent part of me growing up!!

My social life is ok as well, I knew Crabb and Goile a long time before I went too Hogwarts, but my best friend is Nakayi and some of my other friends include: Hannah, Sam, Tami, Zazie and Morgan. My friends are a little strange, Zazie is so funny sometimes and Sam is a time Lord! I don't even know, I'm not that popular but I'm ok with that because I don't really want to be! Haha!

Ok that's me growing up, I'll tell you more if I can think of it! Ok let's get back to the story!!!!!

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