Take a pause

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So this random boy I've never met before is telling me he's Lord Voldemort and he's my father?

WHAT?! This is not envision my first year going.

"I'm what?" I stuttered in disbelief.

"You're what?" Harry repeated in a similar tone

"No, he's lying. Who are you?" I pointed my wand to him.

"I am Tom Morvolo Riddle" as he writes it and it turns into, I am Lord Voldemort.

"Leave," Harry turned around to me.

"No, he just told me he's my father!"

"He's clearly lying."

"Trust me, I'm not." 'Tom' said, I really have no idea who he is.

"Why would I trust you?" I retorted. He tried to walk towards me... but I took Harry's advice and bolted back out of there.

"You're not going after her?" I heard Harry ask.

"No... I'll find her when I need too."


I'm really not off to trading my complicated family for another complicated family, so I'm hoping it's not true. Also Voldemort is a serial murderer, that's another good reason.

Everything happens so quickly, I climbed over the rocks and made my way back to Ron, who was still being driven crazy by Lockhart speaking nonsense... not much has changed. I barely take notice because I am still trying to work out if there's truly any truth to what I've been told.

"Who are you?" Lockhart asks. I glanced at him, making the immediate decision I had no time for him.

"I'm not real. Speak to him only." I told him bluntly.

"Oh... alright!"

"I hate you, Malfoy, possibly more than your brother."

"Oh no! You've wounded me!" I rolled my eyes, I can't deal with either of them right now. After... I have no idea how long, Fawkes, the headmasters Phoenix, flew down, AND THEN HE, HARRY, AND GINNY flew forward, grabbing our hands too... wow, I knew Phoenix's were strong, but this incredible.

Harry killed a... giant snake (thanks Harry). And we make it back up and everyone's okay, and Gilroy lost his memory, thank god, I hated him that teacher (if you can even call him that).


When I finally returned to my bedroom, there was a notecard on my bed.

"Where have you been?!" Nakayi immediately jumped up from her bed.

"I... don't want to explain right now. What is this?" I asked, picking the card up.

So... Professor Dumbledore wants to see me!



As I made my way to Dumbledore's office I saw my father. I instinctively stood a little taller and walked at a normal pace, I didn't want him thinking I was running from someone, I'd never hear the end of how I shouldn't run in school.

"Ah, Eliana, what are you doing here?"


Right... another crossroad. Option A- tell my father I was in the Chamber of secrets and get my head cut off. Option B- lie, he's fine, but risk him finding out the truth and getting my head cut off.

"I'm unsure, although there was some discussion of me leading the organisation of the History of Magic display, so it may be about that." (Well... that's not technically a lie, that is a real thing may be doing).

"I see."

"Well done, my daughter I care about so much, for a first year that's so impressive and I couldn't be more proud of you" no? None of that? What could I expect really?

Soon he walks out with dobby, I just stood out there until my father left, Harry running after him. As much as I'd love to see Harry try to fight my father, I need to speak to Dumbledore.

"Professor?" I called out.

"Miss Malfoy," he greeted, draped in his old and heavy robes. "Please," he gestured to the seat in front of him. I went up the steps and took the seat. "I have something to ask you, but I am sure you want to ask me something first."

"Yes, how did you know?" My brow furrowed, he gave a light shrug, which just reminded me he knows everything really, that's why he knows. "When I was in the Chamber, the only thing I really ever heard was Tom Riddle saying to me he was my father? Which... can't be... right?" I ran my hand through my blonde hair, reminding myself who I was.

"I'm afraid it is." He confirmed surely.

I dropped back into the seat. So has my entire upbringing been a lie?

"So I'm not a Malfoy?"

"Well, that's up to you, I believe we find our family, they still raised you. If you do not want any of that to change, it does not have too."

"I don't want it too." I murmured.

"And I'd recommend keeping it that way. Lord Voldemort is a powerful and dangerous man, if this information ever got out about your true blood, you'd be under immediate suspicion. I warn you, you could lose all you have."

"I have no connection to him! I only found out we were related yesterday!" I jerked up in my seat.

"I know," he put his hand out on the desk. "But others do not. They rightfully fear him, do not let that fear spread to you, you are an incredibly bright student, do not let this prevent you to achieving all the success you could have."

"So nobody else knows?"

"I knew."

"Wait- how did you know?"

"I worked very close to Voldemort's circle, finding out information like this was part of my duty. I had to ensure you were safe. And of course your parents are aware."

"And they never said anything?" I said in disbelief to myself.

"Eliana," I looked up at him. "They have your best interest at heart."

"You don't know my parents."

"Oh, I do. But regardless, have you ever noticed a significant difference in how they treat you than your brother?" I shook my head slightly. "You were taken in by the Malfoy's after Voldemort died, there was much discussion of what would happen to you, orphanage, some said to just leave you on a street and hope someone finds you, but the Malfoy's insisted."

"Do they know I know?" I asked.

"No, but I'm sure you'll want to tell them after the letter I sent them."

"What letter?" My eyes widened in panic.

"Well, you still went down to the chamber of secrets, what kind of headmaster would I be if I didn't inform parents of these things?"

"Ones that don't want their students to be murdered by their parents." I mumbled to myself. "I don't want anyone to know."

"I would never say anything."

"Thank you." I replied, staying in my seat as I had one more question to ask but I was so nervous to ask, mainly since I was scared of the answer.  "Professor, if the Dark Lord somehow returned again, would he come for me?"

"It's hard to say, but I wouldn't be surprised if once he was powerful enough he approached you."

"Okay." I said nervously, thinking of what that would mean.

"But do not concern yourself with that, you are a first year, you should be worrying about tests and getting the best spot in the bench at dinner!" He chuckled. "If the Lord ever returns, which I would not worry about, you will be protected, I assure you."

I nodded. "Well, this has definitely been informative. I'm going to go now if that's alright?"

"Yes. Oh, and miss Malfoy, well done for achieving leading the exhibit in the library."

"Thank you, Professor."

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