Luck i guess

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So there is a ravenclaw called Rebecca and we are pretty good friends. She is super super super super smart and was great at helping me getting Felix in trouble because we share hatred for him. The plan was get him into the forbidden forest and then tell on him, we where going to leave a trail of footsteps, but my footsteps because we know he would do anything to follow me and get me in trouble.
"Are you sure it's going to work?" I asked.
"Yer yer don't worry now give me your shoe and I'll set it up." She set it up and it was great.

"Ohhh, what is this, Ells' footprints, no harm in following" he whispered to himself. He followed and I went to Mogonalgal the head of Griffindor,
"Professor I saw Felix going somewhere and I think he was heading to the forbidden forest."
"Thank you miss Malfoy for bringing this to my attention." She started to walk down the halls and Felix was found and given a detention, it was great, also unlike Draco I had a ravenclaw on my side so I was smart about this. I did this before after hours so I didn't get in trouble.

1 day later.....
I was walking down a hall to my class and Felix said behind me
"Wow, thanks now I have a detention on my record. Was that really worth it?" I turned around and smirked.
"Well it wasn't me and if it was well then" I started to walk up to him and I got really close before he stepped back
"Every last bit of it would be worth any revenge on you. And trust me one day I'll get my revenge on you, and it will be good, not for you at all, but amazing for me." His face Was priceless and I l swished my robe around and left for class. That wasn't the last time me or Rebecca had to deal with him but don't worry, I got some revenge and it was amazing. (For me not him obviously and it happens in the far future in malfoy manor with death eaters!! It's cool.)

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