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It was another late day at work, and by day, it can mean night and by night, well... who works at hours like these? The answer to that question, Park Jimin did.

The clock marked 3.31 AM, Jimin hated how uneven it looked on the clock, regardless he was just now starting to dance again after taking his first small break of his night. Ever since his last class finished at around 10.30 PM he had been left alone where he kept working on next week's choreographies.

The beat started playing again and Jimin's body moved swiftly to its sound, over and over again until he was sure he did it as perfectly as he envisioned it in his head. He wanted the choreography to be in place so that next week when he presented it to his class, he could help out anyone else who looked like they were having a hard time, but for that Jimin felt like he needed to do it until it felt perfect to him, or until someone stopped him. That was the case that day as well as all the other regular Friday nights where he worked relentlessly till his own body gave out.

That was the routine. Every week there was a new choreography for his classes. And at the end of it, they'd dance through it as a whole class and record individual shots so that it could be posted on the dance studio's social media page. Hoseok had come up with that idea and at first Jimin wasn't sure about it, afraid people would tear apart his student's insecurities, like it had once happened to him back in his beginner days. But now, he loved it and worked harder than any other dance teacher at the studio for all the choreos to be amazing.

So as always, Jimin stood in his classroom, that felt like his comfort space most of the time rather than the place where he worked, perfecting every step he had come up with. He felt good about his skills, those were never put in question, but he also wanted to give the best he could to his students who were as dedicated as Jimin was, and sometimes he felt that he wasn't the best person to help them grow.

He kept dancing despite all his colliding thoughts. His passion seemed to be bigger than his worries and that kept him going with everything he did. He loved what he did at the studio. Teaching and dancing along with people who seemed to love dance as much as Jimin did compensated all the boring meetings he had to attend has a managing director, a role given to him that he did not want.

Just as Jimin's thoughts seemed to disappear, allowing him to finally enjoy it all, the music abruptly stopped and with it so did his body. Jimin looked at where his laptop was sitting, spotting Hoseok, his boss, his roommate, his best friend, lifting his finger from the bar space.


"No, I know what you're going to say." Hoseok shook his head "You should go sleep. There's still a few days to go before you have to teach the choreography and you're already doing great on it."

"I can still work a few more hours though. It won't hurt me" Jimin insisted heading over to his laptop. "And I still have to record the video.. I don't want to forget the steps in case something happens."

"Yes, it will hurt you. And you can record it tomorrow, nothing's gonna happen to you." his friend insisted almost dragging him away from the laptop "Now come home with me, there's no need for you to spend money on a taxi."

"But it's not fair..." he whined "Why do you get to stay here and work till late and I don't?"

"No whining! Unless you wanna stay here doing accounting work with me, we're going home. Don't you have the recording session with Namjoon in like 6 hours anyways? You should be resting your body and your voice."

"Ew, no accounting please. Okay fine. I almost forgot about Namjoon Hyung..." the youngest sighed "Let's go."

"Exactly, you have time." Hoseok said in a laid-back manner "Your soulmate isn't gonna bump shoulders with you tomorrow!"

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