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"You're home late," Hoseok commented as soon as he spotted Jimin getting home that night.

"Oh, Hyung! You're up? Did I wake you up?"

"No, no. I was gonna grab a glass of water when I saw your text so I just decided to wait and make sure you really came home." Jimin nodded taking off his jacket. "And by the looks of it you almost didn't. It seems like you had fun..."

"Uh? What do you-" Jimin looked down at the yellow sweater he was wearing realizing what the oldest was hinting at, "No! No! Uhm, an accident with wine happened and Yoongi Hyung just lent me a shirt while mine washed..."

"So where is it?"

"What is where?"

"The shirt..."

"Oh, fuck." Jimin cursed a little too loudly "I got too distracted..."

"Oh, I bet." Hoseok chuckled walking towards the kitchen. His comment made Jimin follow him.

"No, nothing happened! We're taking it slow and even if it had happened, I would've stayed there. No? Well not that it did. It didn't and-"

"Okay, okay I get it Jimin. I'm glad you had fun over dinner."

Jimin smiled reminiscing those few hours that had just gone by. He felt so good with Yoongi and his friends, just like he did with his own. He felt like he belonged, and apart from the part where he had to fall in love, Jimin's biggest worry was not fitting in with the people Yoongi hung out with.

"It was amazing. His friends were really nice. One of them was my age too!"

"Maybe next time we can do a get together with all seven of us. You know since they're his friends it's only fair we get to meet them." Hoseok suggested.

"Why? They're my soulmate's friends." Jimin raised an eyebrow.

"Jimin, let's face it, we're a package deal, he gets you and, by default, he also gets Namjoon and I."

The youngest roommate laughed, not denying what had just been said. It was true, wherever they'd go in life, they'd always have each other's backs. Even if life came in the way and they needed to spend time apart, they knew they could count on each other. Like, the time Namjoon went away for a whole year with no explanation, the other two didn't question it, they just welcomed him back when he did return and kept him up to date of what had happened during the time they had been apart. They were a team, a damn good one.

"Okay, now let's go sleep, I have a couple of meetings in the morning and I'm sure you're tired too. Come on." Hoseok pushed Jimin out of the kitchen "Can't believe I have to make you rest even when you're not working."

"Meetings? Do you need me to go with? I could help in the administration of the studio." Jimin offered, "There's no need for Taemin Hyung to be at the reception desk, I can be there."

"You're in soulmate leave, your main priority should be Yoongi, burying yourself in paperwork won't help you get to listen to music again. Besides, I thought you hated that part of being a studio owner."

Jimin sighed, he knew Hoseok meant well, and he was probably right, but Jimin didn't have much else to do in the hours he wasn't with Yoongi and he didn't want to be too needy. Besides that, Jimin hated being away from what felt like his second home for so long.

"Okay, I guess I'll get to sleep in tomorrow then." He tried to hide his disappointment but Hoseok saw through him.

"Or...you could clean your side of the bathroom?"

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