Chapter 2

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"Then what happen.?" A bandito had asked, sitting near the fire as they all huddle up tonight. "Y'know.. after you saw that your son couldn't see yellow.."

The woman sighed, smiling a little at the comfort hand her husband had put on her shoulder, rubbing down at her back as she took a deep breath and looked over at her people of yellow. "Yellow meant peace and harmony, I knew that it was a deal breaker for me once I knew he couldn't see yellow.. I knew it was one step closer to helping him. But I was wrong." She whimpers, looking over at the fire. "It didn't help him, it made him grow more angry and frustrated with us, he thought we didn't love him. We did.. we.. do."

The group mumbled to each other under the soft crackling of the fire, the husband shushing them.

"Well.. you didn't answer my question still.." One of them spoke up again, the woman smiling weakly. "My apologies, like I was saying,, us using yellow to try to help him only made him stronger.. that's why we must use it against him.. I wish we known sooner.. because my other son.. would still be alive.." Her voice broke, everyone started to mutter to each other.

"I bet you wanna know how it happened, huh?" The husband spoke up, "I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark for this long. You have a right to know.. well, that's what I believe."

"Do you want to know?" The woman teased, knowing they all did as they all perked up and nodded their heads. "Well.?" She looked up at her husband, he gave her a glance before sitting comfortably on the wet grass, gently putting his hands in front of the flames for warmth.

"Nico was grown, he was darker looking, we wanted him to keep living with us to protect everyone out there. He wasn't happy, he felt locked up and was very jealous of his brother taking over a town and making it his own to help people in need, a safe place, a group of people in need of homes and love. That's what it was." He started out, "we did everything we can to keep Nico with us but one day,, he just snapped on us. His power, it was like a dark shadow that was a mockery of him and it grabbed my wife by her throat and did everything in its power to kill her. But the power was fresh, still weak, and the shadow didn't last long at all." He leaned on his wife, the memory making his hands shake which his wife took notice of.

"After that,," She had taken over, he sighed, embarrassed. "In a blink of an eye, he was gone. And we knew exactly where he was going.."


Nico wanted power, Nico wanted control.
"Brother." Nico walked into his home, the message Man turning for him. "Nico.. you came." He said softly, "I'm glad."

"I want to.. take over this land." Nico said bluntly, his brother chuckled and shook his head. "No can do, my brother. Not until I know your heart is with good intentions."

"You said I could.." Nico mutters, message man leaning on his wooden table. "You heard me wrong, I wanted you to join me in taking care of this land. That's why I wished to speak with you.. but after this, I see your heart isn't in the right place." He sighed, Nico felt his fist tighten, slowly walking over to the window and staring at it.

"The land is beautiful" Nico points out, "it is." Message man responded. "The people.. they listen to you?" He had asked, message man staring at him with hesitation. "They do.." He shook his head with unease. "Why do I kneel to you?.."

"What, brother.?" Message man stood up straight, Nico taking his red hood off, his hands a light grey now as the tip of his fingers were black like they were rotting. "What has happen to you?.." He softly cried, "all I wanted was the best for you.. but you had to earn it yourself."

"I will earn it myself." Nico states. "All I've desperately wanted in my life was some control. Control of my powers, my life, the love I wanted from my parents."

"They love you!!" Message man cries out, "You are blind! All they ever loved was you!" Nico yelled back, the house shaking from the anger that was beating in his ears, over taking the sound of his heart. "They were sacred, you sacred everyone!"

"Oh?! Should I give them a fright, brother?! This land.! This land has always been mine! All I wanted was this land!"

"You want power! Not this land! It isn't for you! It's MINE!"

Nico had been broken for far too long, he had stared at his brother as the words were still speaking in his mind, he could still hear them like he was saying it over and over and over again. 'Its mine. It's mine.'
Like two children fighting for a toy.
But now both fighting for control.

"No, my dear brother, it's mine." And with that, Nico and reached in the pocket of his red cloak, rushing up to his own blood and piercing the knife right into his chest, the scream were taken away and cut short by a knife now stuck in the heart.


"Once Nico found out we were up against him.. he gave us the knife he used to kill his brother with and we.. we knew that we could not change the evil. Whoever is born evil, stays evil. And we had to learn that the hard way." The woman felt her throat burn, the memories too much to bare as she leaned down her face for her hands to catch as she let out a soft cry into them, feeling her husband rub her back.

"Any other questions?" The other leader asked, people shocked at how he dismissed her as she cried and went on to a new topic, was it a coping mechanism for him or her? Was it too much to bare that they just needed a quick change? A quick fix? A quick fix would never get them far.

"I do." A girl raised her hand, one of the leaders looked at her and gave a small smile to her, the woman slowly put her head up and leaned on her husband, both two leaders looking over.

"Everyone has to join at the age of 16 and be awake,, but why did Louis join au 14?" The girl asked, looking over at the boy who glared at her.

"Louis needed a home, he was alone and already awake.. and.."

"And we had to take him in. He belonged here." She added from her husband's sentence, "oh, okay." She mutters, embarrassed as Louis let out a small laugh. "Well..! Shall we start dinner?" She clapped her hands and stood up, everyone nodding.

"Let's go Banditos. We have a long way ahead of us."

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