chapter 4

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'My name is Clancy. I am 7 years old. I'm being a big boy soon. I wanna go and play with friends but the friends don't like me because I don't like the god. God makes mommy and daddy sick, don't know why. But maybe I can fix it? I have powers so I can fix it. No one believes me that I have powers besides the man that comes and visit me every time I go to the forest to sing to myself. He has a word that helps me become super big and strong. I wanna be a super hero someday. I wanna make mommy and daddy feel better. I love, love, love, love them!

Thanks for hearing me diary!'


'Dear diary, it's tyler again. Nine years old now, I haven't written in here in a long time but I think it feels good to get every thing out now. That man, Nico, he has too much control over the very thing I hate. These powers, that blurryface name. I changed my name, he poisoned the name Clancy. Took me away when I was weak and was trying to make a family with me. I'm not his son. I have a dad. I had gotten away only a week ago and I'm trying to leave this place. Alone. My family is too  corrupted to take with me, living with Nico was hell but at least I got to be more awake then ever. I know everything now. I know about the ones in yellow. He can't see yellow. I'll go with them. I know I'm too young and just a kid, but my mind, isn't a kid anymore. I was forced to rush my time. - Tyler. R. Jospeh'

"You are it.!" Josh laughed, tagging the girl that has always admired the god just a bit too much for his liking, watching her squeal put a smile on his face as she stopped running away and made a turn to go and chase after him. He let out his own squeal, picking up his red cloak so he didn't trip on it, showing his dirty  sneakers as he ran faster then her. Watching her give up and turn to tag another kid made him feel pride, he didn't stop running in the end. He kept going, he seemed to always enjoyed running.

He seemed to have an odd feelings of calmness when running even if his heart was racing, while running he would pretend he would be on missions and do his own little world all by himself, even if people were around him and running as well. He could never hear him. He was too busy running, when he would have his anxiety attacks, his mother will let him run around in his backyard. Something his dad would poke fun of, he wouldn't care. As long as he's running.

Josh took a stop, letting out a yelp as he bumped into someone while thinking too much about why he loves running so much. "Hey watch it!" A boy cried out to him, josh squealing in embarrassment and getting to his feet as he watched a yellow book hit the ground. Yellow. It was a strange color, he didn't see it much. Only in the toilet really. "I'm so sorry!" Josh said with a  flustered face, reaching out to grab the book which got his hand slapped away. "Jeez.!" Josh let out, the other boy only scoffing as josh examined his face. He was a pretty boy.

"You have to watch-" The boy started, to only be cut off as josh let out an  obnoxious gasp. "You are Clancy.! The missing boy.!" He shouts, soon to feel a hand slapped over his mouth. "Shh! Are you insane?!" Clancy hissed out, "gross.!" He exclaimed as he felt his hand being licked, moving his hand away and wiping it on his shirt. "Clancy, I found you.! Everyone will be so happy..! Let's take you home.! I saw your mom today!" Josh got hyper, jumping up and down as Clancy felt his throat go tight. "You saw.. my mother..?" He asked weakly, holding his book close to his chest. "I did." Josh nodded, he had stopped jumping as he brought out his hand to shake. "I'm josh by the way."

"Tyler.." Tyler said uneasy as he eyed the red cloak that josh had on, making memories flash in his head, like a trigger. Josh raising an eyebrow, "your name is Clancy though." Josh mutters with confusion, Tyler only shaking his head. "Enough about my name, listen.. please don't tell anyone you found me. It will ruin everything." He told josh with a pleading look on his face, "you don't want to go home?" Josh asked with shock, "I can't go home. It's not my home anymore." Tyler started to explain, "you see..doesn't it feel odd to you? The town.? Doesn't it make you feel uneasy or maybe bad. Do you get sad at all? Do you think the town seems.. evil"

Josh was at lost of words for someone  explaining how he felt so perfectly, it was perfect to the nine year old's mind. "My mom gets sick all the time after she goes to church. My dad loves the god but he's always mean and I hate him. Church and the town makes me wanna throw up and it hurts my stomach." Josh started to sniffle, Tyler looking away so he wouldn't start crying as well, his mother was always sick as well. It angered him. "I wanna fix it all and help everyone, I want to fix my momma. I hate it here. I hate it." Josh said with a smile, then letting out a laugh as Tyler snapped his head up with a look on his face.

"Why are you.." Tyler started out, "I never could say that before! And now I can!" Josh jumped up and down with a laugh, soon squeaking again. "I could never say that before! Ever!" Josh had let out a another laugh, looking around to the see he was in some kind of forest. "Calm down please.!" Tyler felt his patience get tested but it did make him smirk from seeing how this boy was much awake, more awake then any other kid in the town that he met before. He knew what to do now.

"Sorry, sorry." Josh pants out, gasping for some air until he felt a poster be put in his hand, looking down to see the yellow poster. He knows what this is, his dad would rip every single one that he came across, josh felt himself start to relax. "Why are you giving this to me?" Josh asked Tyler, "because.. you are fit for this. You want to help your mom, right? You want the town to be better? Join this. You have to be 16 so you just have to wait a little while longer but I promise you.. it will all be worth it. The way to get there is written on the back, do your best to find them. I know you will." Tyler told him, josh  hesitating. "16? That's years later.. what if they are gone?"

Tyler could only let out a small laugh, "the banditos will never be gone as long as Nico still lives." He went and patted josh on the back, "now please don't tell on me. Or the town and your mom won't get better.. I have to go now, it was nice meeting you josh."

Josh took a deep breath, only letting out a nod as he watched the boy run away, leaving forever. It hurts josh, knowing that he saw Tyler's mother crying only later today. He felt sick to his stomach again, this time it was different. This was a choice that he had made and he will stick for it. Only because, he truly wanted to join the ones in yellow. He wanted this sick stomach feeling to go away and he wanted to get out of this red cloak for good.

"My son, I know you are there. I've been watching you. Where were you? You were gone before my eyes for too long that I can bare."

"No! Leave me alone! Please! I don't want to do this! Please leave me alone!"

"Come home."

"I can't do this! I can't do this anymore! I don't want to go with you!"

"You belong with me, you have what I have. Face it, you are looking in the mirror. Come home, Blurryface. Come home."

The boy let out a scream of pain, the kicking and screaming as his neck and hands burned when it turned dark, evil, the eyes a dark bloody red as he felt his  vision go fuzzy and  twisted, feeling the back of his shirt being grabbed at as he was dragged away. He felt numb now, letting himself go back to the tower with the bishops, with Nico. Because he is Blurryface. Because he is a monster.

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