Chapter 1 : The Hogwarts Express

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"That's it, there's no way of going back now" I thought to myself as I walked on St Pancras' steps, tightly clutching my ticket. 

My parents (well, my muggle parents) had insisted on escorting me to the train and were now looking for what was supposed to be Platform 9,3/4. As for me, I was desperately hanging to my trolley where my trunks and my cat were resting, hoping that it would look like I had assurance.

To be honest, I was terrified. 

It was my first time climbing aboard the Hogwarts Express, although I was already fourteen. I had only discovered my true nature at the beginning of summer, as well as my whole family tree. 

So I had tried my best to catch up on three years of witchcraft classes in two months. One thing was for sure, I wasn't the best wizard you'd ever seen, but I did not lack determination and perseverance, and that was what made all the difference. 

I was anxious to meet my new classmates and to start learning spells and potions... Walking towards Platform 9 and 10, following a group of weird-looking people carrying similar trunks as mine, I wondered if I would find any friends. I really didn't want to spent my whole year by myself. However, I had to be careful, no one was supposed to know who I really was. 

On June 21st, an odd man stood on our porch, holding a letter for me. It was Professor Dumbledore, my future headmaster. He was the one who introduced me to the wizzarding world and to my ancestor : Salazar Slytherin. 

Professor Dumbledore had explained that, for a reason unknown no one had been aware of Arya Riddle's existence, my birth mother. On June 20th I was still a normal girl, and on June 21st I was an adopted child, heir to one of the greatest wizards of all times. 

But our headmaster had told me that this name came with a price. Yes, I had his power and blood, but I wasn't the only one. The only other parent to Salazar Slytherin left was Tom Riddle, also known as Lord Voldemort. And once he discovered my existence, he would not think twice before turning me into a death eater. 

You see, the Slytherin family (thus the Riddle bloodline) was one of the most powerful bloodlines in History. And the Dark Lord, when he would come back - because Dumbledore was certain he would eventually, would need my power on his side. 

It was then agreed that I would not tell anyone about my real name and ancestors, given the danger of the situation. To everyone at Hogwarts (besides the professors) I was Y/N Chase, the new girl, a simple muggle-born. 

Facing the wall splitting Platform 9 and 10, I had to leave my parents. I didn't want to cross the wall and be left alone on the other side. But eventually, I had to tear myself from my "mum" and "dad's" arms, secretly wishing they could come with me. My heart racing, I tightened my grip on my trolley, and ran towards the wall. 

Once on the other side, I left my trunk on the luggage compartment and climbed on the train, looking for a friendly face who would let me sit next to them. Since it was my first time at Hogwarts, I automatically stroke out from the crowd with my white long sleeves top and black pants, contrasting with the students' uniforms. 

Walking down the train's corridor, I noticed different groups of student, wearing different colours. I finally reached a nearly empty carriage, where three students, two boys and a girl looking about my age, were chatting, pointing at a newspaper cover. They were all wearing red and gold ties. 

- "Hi, can I come in ?" I asked shyly, standing next to the door. 

The girl lifted her eyes up from the newspaper they were all reading, and curiously looked at me. She was very pretty, her face was soft. She had intelligent brown eyes and long chestnut hair. 

- "Why aren't you in your uniform ?" she inquired. She was not judgemental, simply surprised. 

- "Oh, erm... I'm new." I replied, smiling softly. 

The two boys suddenly looked at me too. I could tell they were a bit startled by my answer. 

- "What do you mean you're new ? You can't be new !" a ginger haired boy exclaimed. 

- "Well, don't stay here, come sit with us and tell us why you only got to Hogwarts now." the girl told me, patting the seat next to her. "I'm Hermione, and this is Ron" she continued, pointing at the redhead "and Harry" Harry nodded at me with a smile. 

- "Thanks, I'm Y/N by the way." I said, sitting down next to Hermione. 

I quickly explained how I only learned I was a witch three months ago, not going into the disturbing details regarding my family. 

- "Yeah, so I guess my Hogwarts acceptance letter got lost in the mail, or I don't know.." I finished. 

- "That's crazy !" Ron reacted, "so you've always lived with muggles then ? Just like Hermione !" he declared. 

- "Right, but I have been following classes at Hogwarts for three years now, and Y/N hasn't. You must be so confused about withcraft..." she said, sorrily. 

- "Well, let's just say I'll have a lot of extra work to do this year" I stated, laughing nervously. 

- "We could help you." suggested Harry "Hermione is a great student, I'm quite good at spells, and Ron knows all there is to know about the world of Magic." he announced. 

- "That would be great actually... But are you sure you'll have the time ?" I asked, not wanting to intrude into their group. 

- "We'll find time don't worry." Ron reassured me with a smile. "Wait !" he exclaimed "You don't have a house yet, right ?" he excitedly inquired. 

Noticing my confusion, Hermione stepped in and quickly described the different houses in Hogwarts. 

- "We are Gryffindors" Ron specified "It's the best sorting you can get." he boasted, half joking. I laughed with them, knowing every student would say the same about their house. 

- "Which house do you think you'll be sorted in ?" Hermione asked. 

- "Well, you could be a Hufflepuff, but you don't strike me as one, although... ugh I don't know. You don't seem to be the bookish type, so Ravenclaw is out." Ron tried to unravel "Slytherin... well, you don't want to be in Slytherin, every wizard that's turned bad was in Slytherin. But what do you think ?" he wondered with a grin. 

- "I have absolutely no idea..." I confessed, knowing damn well which house I would get into.

While Ron and Hermione were discussing whether all Ravenclaws were nerds, I got lost in my thoughts, my heart silently aching because I knew I wouldn't be in the same house as my new friends. Looking up, I exchanged a look with Harry who was staring at me with knowing eyes, almost as if he could see right through me. 

I started to worry about the Sorting, it started to feel like a betrayal to these three who had been so nice to me. And Ron's words were not comforting me, the Slytherin house seemed less and less appealing as we approached Hogwarts. 


Here you go, first chapter :) 

I had to change JK Rowling's story to suit to Y/N's plot line, so if you see any inaccuracies, it's completely normal ! 

I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the story, I'll try to post it soon. 

pLEasE CoMmeNT, I'd love some feedback!

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