Chapter 11

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Your POV:

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Your POV:

You flickered your eyelids open, your vision is blurry and you couldn't tell what you're looking at. But you know it has to be some kind of light since it's so bright. You squinted your eyes and blinked them a couple of times until your vision became much clearer. You came to realize that you were looking at the light bulb attached to the ceiling


You managed to say as you attempted to cover your eyes from the bright light but your eyes seemed to be heavy, and you find it strange.

"Ah! (Y/N) you're finally awake! You've been asleep since yesterday, thank goodness. How do you feel?"

Michiru asked worriedly, which made you wonder what made her feel all that worried for you when you didn't remember anything terrible that happened to you.

'Why is she so worried? It's not like I was in a life-threatening situation, was I?'

"I-I'm fine, why what happened?"

You replied and Shirou's handsome face came into your vision. You furrowed your eyebrows and wondered why he's here in the room with you, you both are not really close so why is he here?

'What is Shirou doing here? More importantly, where am I?'

To answer your question yourself, you looked around the room and noticed that you are in what seemed to be a hospital room. The bed and the color of the room gave it away, you've been to a hospital room before so it was easy for you to realize that you are currently in one. You turned to look at Michiru and asked her.

"My memories are a bit blurry so I can't remember what happened...Can you guys please explain what happened before I am laying on this bed with dextrose injected into my wrist?"

Michiru glanced over to Shirou before she looked back at you.

"Shirou has the details"

She replied making you look at her confused, you moved your gaze to Shirou and saw him looking straight back at you. You would have blushed immediately but this seemed to be an important matter so you need to be serious.

Shirou's POV

Michiru stood up from the chair beside (Y/N) and gestured for me to sit on it. I looked at (Y/N) and the chair back and forth, hesitating whether I should tell her about the powers she unleashed and that she is the next Kyuubi.

But I still sat beside her anyways, I think it would be better if I tell her everything and what happened the other day to avoid any conflicts in the future. I stared right into her eyes and so did she, but I couldn't stop myself from averting my eyes from her curious (e/c) eyes. I ended up unable to maintain eye contact with her and avert my eyes from time to time.

I placed my hand on my knee and while my other hand reached up to the back of my neck and rubbed it, not so sure where to start.

"Alright, I'll make this easy and quick. Do you remember seeing an abandoned old building and you walked into it?"

The Immortal Kitsune (Shirou Ogami x Reader x Alan Sylvasta)Where stories live. Discover now