Chapter 39

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"Huh? We're leaving right now?"

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"Huh? We're leaving right now?"


Your eyes looked down on the red carpet of the hallway in disappointment, you weren't able to ask for that guy's name and now you're leaving. You were so excited to ask for his name but it seems you won't be able to do that.

"Why do you look so down? Do you not wish to leave?"

Alan asked when he noticed your little frown 

"No, of course, I'd like to leave. I can't wait to be back home and reunite with my friends" 

This time, it was Alan's turn to frown at your last set of words. 

'I almost forgot that we're already close to getting her back home'

He knows that it's still going to be a long journey but he can't help but think that he only has a small amount of time with you and he doesn't want you to leave his side. But Alan has to uphold his promise to take you back home, he doesn't want you to lose trust in him either.

He has to uphold his promise even if it pains him.

"I'll go prepare my things then," 

You said as you waved off and went back inside your room. You packed all your stuff and triple-checked if you already got everything, you wouldn't want Alan to go for the extra trouble to retrieve something you left here. 

"Okay! I think I got everything!"

It's afternoon and you had already taken a bath earlier so there's nothing you have to worry about. You were about to drag your luggage when you suddenly heard a knock 

"Who is it?"

"It's your everyday servant, Miss (L/N)"

"Oh! Come in!"

 The door opened and he walked over to you with a friendly smile on his face.

"I'll be taking that luggage for you Miss (L/N)" 

He said as he reached out to your hand but you gently pulled away.

"No need Ryu, I can carry it myself"

 He laid his hand atop yours and stared at you with his cyan eyes.

"I insist Miss (L/N). It is my job after all"

Without noticing, he already held your luggage. 

"Let's go, Mr. Sylvasta is already waiting outside," 

He said and he went out ahead of you, you followed suit.

As you reached the last steps of the stairs, you began to hear mumbles, more like gossip coming from the three women who stood behind the front table. Even though you glanced at them they still didn't stop the gossiping, due to your heightened senses, you were able to grasp what they were talking about between themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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