Chapter 19

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Your POV

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Your POV

"How do you even play this game?"

Shirou asked with his eyebrows furrowed out of sheer confusion as he held the fake gun with an uninterested look. Lucas, who is a pro at first-person shooting games, twitched his eyebrows in annoyance.

"Dude, you just have to point the gun at the enemy that appears on the screen and then pull the trigger. It's that simpl-"

"But how on earth can I kill my enemy when there aren't even any bullets in this plastic trash?"

You closed your eyes and sighed in annoyance. Lucas and Shirou have been bickering at each other ever since you guys walked into the arcade.

'Does he really not have a single ounce of knowledge about this stuff?'

"Alright, I'm leaving"

Shirou nonchalantly said as he was about to put the gun back in its place, but you quickly pulled him back on his spot before he could return the gun and then leave.

"You know what? I'll teach you, Shirou. Have you never done this before in your whole life?"

'You have no idea how long I have lived, (Name)'

Shirou thought as he watched you approach him closer with half-lidded eyes.

Meanwhile, Lucas clicked his tongue and asked Nina to go somewhere else at the moment. Nina gladly came to the decision of going to the crane section of the arcade, and Lucas just complied with her wishes and they left you and Shirou alone.

You walked to his side and held his large hands with both of your own so he could accurately aim the fake gun at the enemy on the screen. Your small hands were trembling because of the feeling of his skin against yours and the fact that you were the one that initiated the move. But despite your racing heart, you kept a calm demeanor.

Though you repeatedly prayed in your mind that your palms won't start sweating because that is just the worst.

'Her hands are kind of soft'

Shirou noted while he focused on the screen with his usually serious face. He found it amusing that a mortal is teaching an immortal, such as himself, how to play a childish game. But despite the protests he has in his mind, he just lets you manipulate his hands around.

Whenever Shirou aims the fake gun at the enemy with your help, you would tell him to pull the trigger and he would successfully kill the target. You two continued to do this until you noticed that Shirou finally got the gist of how the game works.

Because instead of you guiding his hands, he was the one pulling your hands along with his. Your hands were just technically being dragged around by Shirou's hands.

So, you let go of his hands and watched him successfully kill his enemies on the screen. You found it funny that you're teaching an adult how to play a game that is made for teens, and Shirou was playing it with such a serious face too.

The Immortal Kitsune (Shirou Ogami x Reader x Alan Sylvasta)Where stories live. Discover now