Chapter 25

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Shirou's POV

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Shirou's POV


I put my phone back into my pocket after I messaged (Y/N) to come here in the City Hall immediately.

"Ogami-kun, are you ready to tell her your secret?"

Rose asked, seriousness is in her eyes. I look out the window with the same expression before replying.

"Yes, I've been hiding this from her for too long. It's about time she knows that she's not the only one with strange powers"

I then walk back to my seat in front of her table and took a seat.

Now I wait for (Y/N).

2nd Person POV


You gasped sharply as you got your consciousness back before getting your head out of the water where you were in for God knows how long. You grabbed onto the first concrete thing you could hold on to, which is the concrete edge of what seems to be walkway under a bridge right above you.

You push yourself up from the water, the water from your clothes and fur is dripping like a small waterfall. The heaviness of your soaked clothes and fur made it a bit difficult at first, especially when you just regained consciousness.


You exclaimed in victory when you finally made it on the ground. Surprisingly, there's no scent of humans around.

'Is this an isolated place?'

You grunt as you carefully stood up, the water in your clothes made you feel utmost uncomfortable. Especially your socks.

You're still in your beastman form, so you shook off the the water from your fur and hopefully your clothes as well. You did this for minutes until you felt satisfied.

'This should do...I'm still soaking wet...but it's fine, I just need to get back as soon as possible'

You looked around and saw a ladder that leads to the area above the bridge where humans are probably roaming and where you're definitely unsafe.

"Where am I? I hope this place is close to Anima-City, how do I find my way home?"

You whispered to yourself as you try to keep calm. You contemplated whether to go up and find your way home or find a way home without being exposed to humans. But it would be a lot more easier if you go up there though because you can see the path that might lead you back to Anima-City.

'Wait, humans don't have any inhumane sense of smell like us, so it's going to be fine right? I'll just have to act normal and not draw attention'

After you made your decision, you transformed into your human form and slowly approached the ladder and nervously began climbing it. When you reached the end of the ladder, you stopped for a moment and felt hesitant again, but you continued to climb anyway.

The Immortal Kitsune (Shirou Ogami x Reader x Alan Sylvasta)Where stories live. Discover now