Chapter 36

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Since earlier today, you've done nothing but surf through the internet looking for anything that piques your interest

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Since earlier today, you've done nothing but surf through the internet looking for anything that piques your interest. However, you were just mindlessly scrolling on the internet because your mind was solely about tonight with Alan.

You couldn't help but blush at the thought of going out tonight with him.

Out of boredom, you tossed your phone aside and instead thought of what to wear for tonight. You stand up and walked up to the closet to find something suitable to wear. Thus, you spent a lot of your time thinking of what to wear even though you're not really the type of person that worries about these kinds of things. But the reason why you are worried about this is that it's Alan you're going with, it might be embarrassing that you're not wearing clothes that are appropriate for times like this.

After how many minutes of looking and figuring out what to wear, you finally picked the right clothes. Satisfied, you place your hands on your waist proudly while looking at the clothes you prepared for tonight.

"Now that's settled, I'll take a bath now"

You went ahead and took a bath, ensuring that you smell nice. You walk out of the bathroom with a refreshed feeling, you sighed in satisfaction at the feeling.

"Bathing never really fails to satisfy me"

You look up at the clock in your room while drying up your hair. There's still so much time left.

"What do I do with the remaining time? Oh right, I need to prepare the stuff I'll be bringing..."

You mumble to yourself as you busied yourself with preparing everything for tonight.

'I shouldn't even be putting too much effort. He's just showing me around, it's not a date'

You look at the clothes you have picked and furrowed your eyebrows in worry and doubt.

'I hope he doesn't mind that I'll be wearing this...'

On the other side of the room, Alan doesn't even need to worry about what he has to wear for tonight. He'll just pull out a suit from his closet and settle with it. They all look good anyways, so what is he even going to worry about?

While Alan was calmly preparing, he thought about something he noticed about you. You're the 'I prefer to wear comfortable clothes' kind of girl. 

'I wonder what she'll wear'

He thought as he walks out of the shower with droplets of water dripping from his jawline and the tips of his blonde hair. With a towel on his head and a robe wrapped around his body, he picks up his phone from the bed and used it for whatnot. 


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The Immortal Kitsune (Shirou Ogami x Reader x Alan Sylvasta)Where stories live. Discover now