Half An Hour..

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We reached the  hospital . The doctors and Nurses  took Siya inside and were operating on her.  Lucas brought Deniz .

Deniz " Amja....." I said and ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Can "Deniz ..." I said and hugged him and  tears fell down from my eyes.

Deniz "Amja .. how is Didu .. Lucas Uncle said she is not well so  you brought her to the hospital ... And also he brought me from the back door not  from the main one.. what happened Amja..  I want to meet Didu.. I heard so many bad sounds coming from downstairs  .. Amja tell na .. how is Didu.. where is she ..?" I asked him sobbing.

Can " Deniz she is fine. Don't worry. She was not feeling well so  we brought her to the hospital.  She is fine my dear.  Nothing will happen to her." I said him and caressed his back  and hair.  I was consoling him but the words I was using was to satisfy my heart that My Siya will be fine and come back to me . We broke the hug.

Deniz "Amja I will pray for Didu .. she will get fine soon and then you both will get married and we will become a very happy family..." I said him .

Can "Yes she will be fine... " I said and hugged him again.

After  1 hour

Dr. "Mr . Divit.. " I called.

Can "How is she Doctor? Is she fine?" I asked him.

Dr. "Mr. Divit we took out the bullets from her body but..." I said.

Can "But what? You took out the bullets .. she will be fine now right?" I asked him.

Dr. " Mr. Divit  her internal bleeding is not stopping  she lost a lot of blood. We can't save her. We have put her on life support. She can live for more Half an Hour. We can't  do anything . We Are Sorry Mr. Divit.." I said him.

Can "What do you mean she can live for only half an hour ?" I grabbed his collar and asked him..

Mark , Lucas and Can's gang members "Boss ... Boss leave him... boss..." They  separated Can from the Doctor..

Can "I am sorry for my behavior.. " I said the doctor.  I sat on the ground  and cried .. My Siya.. My love.. My life.. she was on life support system .. she can't leave more than half an hour.. these words broke my heart into million pieces.

Dr. "Mr. Divit.. I understand your emotions. We did everything what was in our hands but Mr. Divit we can't do anything. I am sorry. Mr . Divit." I said him "Soon she will regain her consciousness then you can meet her. Please Mr. Divit don't break down like this." I said him.

Mark "Boss please .. don't loose yourself like this.." I said him.

Deniz "Amja .. " I said and went to him. "Amja don't cry like this .. Didu will not like it.. " I said and wipped his tears .. and hugged him.

Nurse " Sir the patient regained her consciousness .. wants to meet you.." I said . I saw Mr. Divit getting up and entered the room.

Inside the room

Can "Siya...." I called her and  went to her and sat beside her.  My Siya was lying on the bed like a lifeless object..with wires all over  her body..  Everything was my fault..  she was already leaving Istanbul that day. If I wouldn't have kidnapped her that day she would have  been  fine today. Happy today . With her family . But because of me .. she was lying here like this .. loosing her life every second.

Siya "Can.. how are you.. and how is Deniz .. is he fine? Where is he?" I asked him.

Can " I am fine .. he is also fine. He is outside.." I said her. I  held her hand. She gave me  a smile.

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