Chapter 4: USJ

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"were going outside of school today." aizawa announces. "so get ready and meet me at the bus."
As class 1A he added to the bus Iida tried to get them all on the bus in an orderly fashion but the bus was not built the way he thiught and his plan went to ruin. Izuku was the last one on the bus and he happily sat next to bakugo.
"man, you're brave to sit next to bakugo." krirshima says happily.
"kacchan wouldn't do anything to me, not too much anyway." izuku says smiling.
"says who nerd!" bakugo says letting little explosions pop off of his palm close to izuku face. Bakugo ends up angrily turning away from Izuku smiling face and looks out the window. The bus ride was eventful, everyone was talking about many different things but mostly about bakugo's bad temper.
"he's always been like that!" izuku says happily with a small giggle.
"you're always happy izuku." tsuyu says.
"I know, some people get a little weird out." izuku says.
"it is quite strange, seeing someone happy all the time." jiro says.
"really, I don't think it is, if someone's happy, be happy." izuku says,
"why are you so happy then deku?" uraraka asks..
"it's becuase I'm here, at UA!" izuku says.
"whys that?"
"the nerd always wanted to be a hero." bakugo speaks up.
"really?" kirishima asks.
"Yep but it was impossible for me." izuku says.
"whys that?"
"I was quirkless when I was younger." izuku says, before anyone could ask for further details aizawa stands up and tells them to get off the bus because they had arrived. The class heads into the building to be met with another hero..
"it's the space hero, thirteen!" uraraka says happily. "thirteen specialises in rescues from disasters." before addressing the students thirteen motions to aizawa and then turns to the students hearing what uraraka had said.
"thats right, today you will be learning how to rescue using your quirks, in erasure heads classes you learn your strengths and weaknesses and in All Mights class you learnt the dangers of using your quirks, it's time to show you how your quirks can be used for good." thirteen says. Suddenly a purple portal like mist appeared in the area in the middle of USJ. A hird of people walked out of the portal..
" is it starting, are we even getting fake villains?" kirishima asks.
" those are real villains, thirteen get the students out of here." aizawa announces before rushing into the mob of Villians. Thirteen tries to get the students out of the building but the portal guy appears to stop them..
"it seems we're missing someone, All Might was meant to be here today." he says. Thirteen goes to suck the portal up using her quirk but kirishima and bakugo jump out to attack the Villian before she got a chance. Unfortunately their attack does nothing. The students of class 1A were teleported around USJ. izuku opens his eyes to find himself falling towards water. He braced for the force of hitting the water but feels his quirk activate. He hears someone land next to him.
"Midoriya, are you okay?" izuku opens his eyes to see tsuyu and mineta looking at him. He looks down at his body to find it halfway in the floor. Izuku gives a nervous laugh.
"I'm still learning to control my quirk, dont worry, it doesn't hurt." izuku says.
"do you need help to get out kero?" tsuyu asks. Izuku closes his eyes and activates his quirk. He then opens them to be standing infront of Tsuyu.
"nope" he says happily giving Tsuyu a smile. Tsuyu looks out to the water
"we need to find a way back to thirteen." izuku looks to the villains in the water. They weren't approaching the boat or trying to attack them.
"it looks like they are waiting for us to do something, that means they don't know what our quirks are, we might be able to make a plan." izuku says.
"are you insane, if we try to do something we'll die!" mineta cries out. Izuku looks over to the small purple boy.
"they will eventually come up here if we don't do something, so either way, we might die." izuku says.
"Midoriya's right, we need to do something and as you said, it seems they don't know our quirks that means we have an advantage, kero." Tsuyu says.
"then let's make a plan." izuku says. They all huddle together to try and come up with a plan.
"Midoriya-kun you are able to glitch to different places right, like teleporting, why can't you just get us out of here?" mineta asks.
"mineta-kun, we don't know if Midoriya-kun's quirk works on other people, kero." Tsuyu says.
"it does and yes, I am able to glitch anywhere I've been before like teleporting however, I don't have much control over it, I only got this quirk two years ago, that's why I end up in walls." izuku explains
"what, how could you have only gotten your quirk two years ago!" mineta asks shocked. Izuku looks him in the eye.
"I cannot remember." izuku says. There was no emotion or amusement in his voice as he spoke but it made mineta go quiet.
"Midoriya-kun, are you able to glitch us as far away from the Villians as possible, within your control of course, after that I can get us out of the area by swimming, kero." Tsuyu says.
"I could try, glitching myself I could go further but with two others my distance will be limited, especially if it's under the limits of what I can control." izuku says.
"then let's try it, kero." Tsuyu says.
"I'm fine if I end up in a wall but I don't know about you two." izuku says.
"then don't go to a wall, with what you said we will only be able to go into water, which makes it easier becuase I can swim us away faster than normal becuase of my quirk, kero." Tsuyu says.
"then let's go with that plan." izuku says happily. Izuku hears mineta mutter something about how easily his mood changes but he chooses to ignore it. He was sure the teachers knew about him but wether they told the students was another matter. Izuku holds out his hands for the two to grab. Tsuyu immediatly takes his hand but mineta doesn't right away. He does put his hand into izuku while muttering about wether they'll be safe or the fact that they will probably die. Izuku takes a deep breath.
"okay, your body will feel funny when we start glitching, it's normal." he says. Mineta and Tsuyu nod their understanding and izuku grins. "let's go." izuku activates his quirk and the familiar tingling appears in his body. The next thing he sees is water. The hand that Tsuyu was holding is pulled as she starts to swim to land. Mineta ends up pulling out a bunch of his hair and throwing it making the Villians hesitate in their pursuit or get stuck together when they ran into them and then got stuck together and ended up not being able to move. They eventually made it to land. Izuku looks around to see where they ended up. He then sees Aizawa get smashed into the ground by a strange creature. Without thinking izuku feels his body tingle. The next thing he knows he's right next to his teacher. Izuku feels the trill of excitement that has been in his chest since the Villians appeared grow larger now that he was closer to everything. He grabs his teacher.
"only sensei, only sensei." izuku says as he concentrates on trying to glitch only him and aizawa and not the giant monster as well since he was touching aizawa.
"I'm sorry, it just happened." izuku says immediatly knowing aizawa was going to tell him he shoud not have gotten involved.
"haha, you have a very good student here." izuku hears. He looks up to see a young man covered in hands with pale blue hair and a purple misty man standing next to him. His head suddenly throbs in pain. He needed to get away from those people. He closed his eyes and activated his quirk. He hears some shocked gasps as the tingling in his body started to disappear. He opens his eyes and looks around to see some of his classmates and thirteen. Thirteen immediatly checks aizawa.
"arh, nomu, dont let them ruin this, since All Might is not here maybe hurting some of his students will make him get here faster and it'll kill the time." izuku's head was pounding and aizawa, even in his injured state could see that something was wrong with izuku.
"Midoriya, is something wrong...are you hurt?" he asks.
"my head is pounding." izuku confesses, for some reason he couldn't look away from the two Villians in the middle, they seemed to be the leaders but that wasn't the thing that drew his attention.
"nomu," the young Villians voice catches everyone's attention. "that boy there," he points to izuku and smiles "attack." when izuku heard the command something seemed to click. A small smile appears on izuku's lips. Aizawa senses something had changed and was not expecting something good to happen.
"izuku Midoriya, you better stay right here." just as aizawa order Midoriya not to move he glitches away. He appears infront of the nomu.
"what is Midoriya doing!" uraraka asks
"thirteen, I think he's snapped."

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