Chapter 11: The Past.

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After their final exams class 1A decides to go shopping together to get things that they need for their camping trip. Ever since the class was able to see Izuku again he has been quiet. He still had his normal bubbly personality but he was quiet.

"Deku-kun, are you okay?" Uraraka asks. Izuku nods and gives Uraraka a small smile.

"I got into a lot of trouble." Izuku says.

"It's okay Izuku, you're trying and they are trying to teach you how to better yourself." Uraraka says.

"yes, there's no need for you to worry Midoriya-kun." Todoroki says. Izuku gives them a smile. Everyone goes their own way to get the things they need leaving Izuku with Uraraka.

"oh, Uraraka-san, I saw that Aoyama said something when you were battling against Thirteen, it made you let go of the railing, what did he say?" Izuku asks happily. Uraraka's face turns bright red.

" was...nothing, you don't need to know, I...I need to get something, bye!" Uraraka runs away and Izuku smiles after her. Izuku looks around the shopping centre and sighs. there was so many people. He hadn't been in a place so full of people since the school opening because of his 'condition'. suddenly someone slightly taller than him puts their arm over Izuku's shoulder.

"Ah, you're from UA aren't you, I saw the sports festival, it was amazing." he says.

"It was but I didn't make it to the final three." Izuku says.

"No, but i thought your quirk was amazing." Izuku frowns. His quirk wasn't one to stand out a lot compared to others like Bakugo's and Todoroki's. Izuku looks up to the mans face and when he sees it instant fear erupts in his heart but Izuku didn't know why, he couldn't recognise this man. the longer he looked at his face the more familiar it seemed but Izuku couldn't put his finger on it. "let's take a seat." the man moves Izuku over to a chair and they sit down. When they do the man puts a hand around Izuku's throat.

"I have four fingers touching you at the moment, if i put down my last your neck will turn to dust so don't call for help, understand." Izuku slowly nods "and don't even think of using your quirk, I'll know if you do and I'll attack as many people as i can before escaping, i wonder how many I could kill before the pros arrive."

"I wont..." Izuku says quietly.

"good, ah, it's been a long time."

"wh...who are you?" Izuku asks. His head had started to pound with a massive headache and he just wanted it to stop.

"who am I, my name is Shigaraki, Shigaraki Tomura" Shigaraki grins at Izuku. Izuku's head throbbed at the mention of his name and a few images appeared in his head. Izuku wanted to lean forward and rest his head in his hands but if he moved something bad could happen so he settled with squeezing his eyes shut which allowed the images to be easier to see. "I want to be the one everyone is talking abut and yet, all they are talking about is the hero killer stain but i was the one who released those Nomu at Hosu." Izuku open his eyes at the mans voice. It was so familiar but he couldn't understand why, was it because he was the one that attacked USJ. The one who commanded the Nomu to attack his teacher and fellow classmates.

"'s because of the video...Stain was able to tell everyone his beliefs." Izuku says. He hadn't seen the video himself but has heard kids at school talking about it and it did sound like Stain had a point.

"but I do have my own beliefs..." Shigaraki says starting to scratch his neck. "maybe i need to do something bigger to get everyone's attention, I wonder what to do."

" wont be able to get away with whatever you're doing for much longer...the hero's they'll, they'll stop you." Izuku manages. He wanted to tell the Villain that he was going to be stopped but he also didn't want this dangerous man to get pissed off and attack the civilians here in the shopping centre.

"Deku-kun, who's that?" Uraraka asks suddenly appearing in front of the two.

"He's an...old friend." Izuku says quickly before Shigaraki could respond. She would be in danger if she knew who this man was.

"oh, don't worry, we've just finished talking haven't we?" Shigaraki asks with a smile.

"y...yes." Izuku say. He couldn't help but stutter his reply and he hopes Uraraka doesn't realise something is wrong.

"you..." Uraraka starts, looking at Shigaraki carefully. Shigaraki stands up letting Izuku go. He shoves his hands into his pockets. "you're the villain that attacked USJ." Shigaraki smiles before disappearing into the crowd. Izuku lets out the breath that he was holding. He tries to stand up and see if Uraraka was okay but his legs dropped out under him. The pressure in his head made it feel like it was going to explode.

"Deku-kun, are you okay?" Uraraka grabs Izuku's shoulders and shakes him a little.

"My head...hurts." Izuku says. Uraraka remembers what Aizawa said about his memory. She pulls out her phone and calls the police.

"he'll be long...gone." Izuku says.

"How do you know?" Uraraka asks.

"I...don't know." Izuku passes out and falls only for Uraraka to catch him.

"Deku-kun, Deku-kun!"

"Uraraka-san, what happened?" Todoroki asks running over with some of their other classmates.

"It was the guy from USJ, he was here threatening Deku-kun, he, he just passed out." Uraraka says. After a few minuets an ambulance and pro hero's arrive including Aizawa.

"What happened?" He asks watching as the paramedics pick Izuku up and put him onto the stretcher.

"It was the man from the attack on USJ, he threatened Deku-kun." Uraraka says.

"was anyone hurt?" Aizawa asks.

"no, he just left when I got back." Uraraka says. Aizawa checks on Izuku and notices that he had his eye squeezed shut in pain.

"did he say anything about his head?"

"ah, yes, he said his head hurt after the man left." Uraraka says.

"This could complicate things."

Number 3 for today. I really am done for now. I'm going to either watch or read something. I need to rest my fingers and change my sitting position. I think I'm writing so much because the story is starting to hit it off and get to the exciting parts! I still don't have an ending because I don't know how I should end it but rest assured that means the story wont be complete until i figure that out and the chapters will continue to come out. I hope you enjoy this chapter and please wait patiently and expectantly for the next chapter. The next chapter is none other than the Summer Camp chapter and we all know what happens there. Take the three chapter updates today as a present because I've never had so many readers or comments on my stories before and it makes me really happy. Feel free to read any of my other stories, other than this one and my Legend of Zelda one which I'm rewriting at the moment, all stories are 100% my own, everything from character, story line and plot.

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