Chapter 9: Hero Name!

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The next day after the festival the students of 1A had a problem on their hands. They had to make up their hero names for their internships. Aizawa explains how their internships will work and how they can choose where to go.

"thanks to the sports festival some students were noticed and were asked to go to a hero's agency, if you have more then one you're free to pick but if not you will still have to choose somewhere to do your internship, Midoriya, you'll be interning with me." Aizawa says.

"Kay!" Izuku happily raises his hand as he answers before going back to drawing on his arm with his red pen. Todoroki was watching his strange classmate as he drew on his arm. He was trying to figure out what Midoriya was drawing on his arm but was too far away to see it.

"Since I suck at names Midnight will be conducting this class." The door opens just as Aizawa mentions Midnight. Midnight walks in and Aizawa shrivels away into his sleeping bag behind the pedestal.

"Time for your hero names, now you can changes these however the name students choose for their internship normally stick to when they become pro's so choose wisely because you might not get to change them!" she announces. Whiteboards are handed out for the students to use to write their names on. Izuku had no idea what he was going to choose for his name but he couldn't wait until her heard the others hero names. Aoyama ends up going first. Izuku had to stop himself from laughing when Aoyama said a sentence instead of a name but Midnight took it seriously and corrected it to make it more like a hero name which shocked the class. Ashido went next and then the rest of the students continued on at a steady pace until Bakugo got up and announced his hero name. This time Izuku had a harder time not laugh.

"you cannot use that, maybe change it up a bit." Midnight says.

"Fuck!" Bakugo goes back to his desk infront of Izuku. He glares at Izuku who was snickering at him.

"Midoriya, do you have a name for yourself?" Midnight asks. Izuku quickly grabs his board and hops up to the front of the classroom.

"This!" he says showing the class the name.

"Isn't that an insult though?" Iida asks.

"yup but I like this name." Izuku says.

"Who gave you that nickname?" Todoroki asks.

"Kacchan." Izuku says happily. Everyone looks over to Bakugo who was focusing on his hero name.

"Bakugo, did you really give Midoriya the nickname Deku?" Uraraka asks.

"Yeah, so what." Bakugo says looking up to the class. "He never said anything against it and he calls me that stupid fucking nickname himself."

"yeah, I call you kacchan!" Izuku says happily.

"okay, okay, who's next?" midnight asks. after figuring out their hero names, to which Bakugo didn't end up making a suitable one and went with his name for now. The next day Aizawa saw his students off at the train station so they could go to their internships. once they were all gone he turns to see Izuku waiting for him. Aizawa sighs and waves him to follow him. He takes Izuku to an area in the school with trees, there they meet Aizawa's actual intern. Hitoshi Shinso.

"Ah, you're the one i fought first!" Izuku says happily.

"Sensei, why is he here?" Hitoshi asks unimpressed.

"We cannot let him go to another hero so I have been tasked with his internship but i still have you to teach as well." Aizawa explains. Aizawa turns to Izuku who was drawing in the dirt with a sick he had found. "Midoriya, I want you to activate your quirk and hold it for as long as possible."

"are you sure?" Izuku asks smiling sending shivers down Hitoshi's spine. The hero student made him nervous and on edge and he's only been around him for a short while.

"Why, is there something wrong with that task?" Aizawa asks.

"My quirk allows me to teleport and phase through things, like a glitch in a video game and i can use it on others as well but to have it constantly active, I'll either teleport constantly or fall through the ground, i don't actually know what will happen." Izuku explains.

"then have it activated everywhere but your feet so you don't fall through the ground." Aizawa says.

"Kay!" Izuku walks over to a tree and starts doing his exercise. Aizawa rubs his eyes as he turns to Hitoshi.

"Sensei, there's something wrong with that student." Hitoshi says.

"It's circumstantial, there's nothing wrong with him that cannot be fixed." Aizawa say "let's start." while watching and training Hitoshi Aizawa kept his eyes on Izuku as well to make sure he was doing as instructed and was okay. Aizawa noticed Izuku picking up and throwing rocks into the air and then watching it fall through him before giggling and doing it again. After three days he gave Izuku another task.

"I want you to teleport as close to the tree as possible without going into them." He says. Izuku thinks for a moment and then nods running over to an area with dense trees but where Aizawa can still see him. After a few hours Aizawa and Hitoshi were suddenly startled by loud laughing. Aizawa saw Izuku halfway in a tree and he seemed to be stuck.

"I said close to the tree, not in it." Aizawa says rubbing his face.

"Sorry, sorry but the tingle feels funny." Izuku says with a small giggle.

"tingle?" Hitoshi asks.

"whenever i activate my quirk it tingles, oh and when I'm going through things." he say happily.

"do you need help getting out?" Aizawa asks. Izuku teleports out of the tree to be infront of Aizawa.

"nope!" Aizawa instructs Izuku to continue with the exercise and went back to training Hitoshi. soon the week was over. During the last few days of internships Aizawa got a call about two of his students fighting the Hero Killer Stain. It was at that moment he was especially relieved Izuku had to stay with him because if he had gotten caught in that fight who knows what could have happened. While watching Izuku Aizawa noticed that every now and then Izuku held his head in pain.

"Does your head hurt, is it because of over using your quirk?" He asks.

"ah, no it's just a headache, my body goes numb when i overuse my quirk." Izuku explains.

"Numb, what do you mean?" Hitoshi asks. Izuku looks around and picks up a rather sharp stick and before Aizawa could do anything he shoves it into his right arm showing no sign of pain.

"Numb." Izuku says holding out his arm with the stick still in it. Aizawa pulls the stick out and gently wraps the wound with some bandages he had brought with him.

"Don't do something like that again, understand?" he scolds.

"Yes." Izuku says his cheeriness disappearing.

"Have a break." Aizawa says.

"Sensei," Izuku says getting Aizawa attention before he turned away to continue instructing Hitoshi. "that creature at the USJ attack."

"What about it?"

"It looked...familiar." Izuku says quietly. "ah, never mind, not important!" Izuku returned to his cheery self and picked up a stick and started to draw in the dirt. Aizawa turns back to teach Hitoshi realising that Izuku's headaches may be connected to him getting some of his memories back from when he was kidnapped and Aizawa didn't want to know what would happen to the young boys already broken mind when he does remember whatever happened to him when he was missing.

Hey Owlets!

I hope you enjoy this chapter, we learnt a little more about Izuku's quirk in this chapter and I hope it clears up what he can do with it as well. One more chapter and we will learn a little about what happened to Izuku during the year he was missing, please look forward to it, if you have any questions feel free to comment them and I'll do my best to answer, if you want to you can even ask me with a private message, I love seeing comments.

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