Chapter 16: The Damage is Done.

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After we were rescued me and the stupid nerd were taken to the police station to be questioned.

"Bakugo, why did they kidnap you?" detective Tsukauchi asks.

"those fuckers wanted me to join their marching band!" Bakugo responds crossing his arms.

"What did they want with Izuku Midoriya?" Tsukauchi asks.

"Ask him." Bakugo says.

"the thing is, Midoriya is not responding to any questions, he's not responding at all." Tsukauchi says.

"they wanted him back." he says

"back?" Tsukauchi says confused.

"they're the ones that kidnapped him two years ago, they broke him even more." Bakugo says. Bakugo answers all of Tsukauchi's questions and when he was let out they let him out with Izuku. Izuku was silent, even when his mother came to pick him up to take him home.

UA proposed a dorm system and went to all of the students houses to tell their parents in person and to ask their permission to have their children stay at UA in the dorms to keep them safe. Inko was not happy that her son had been kidnapped but she knew she couldn't handle him herself and reluctantly agrees to the dorm system.

After a few weeks the dorms had been built and the students could move in. the day after they started their classes again. Bakugo walked into his classroom to see Izuku sitting at his desk staring out the window. He is immediately approached by other students.

"Izuku has been here for a while but he hasn't said a thing." Uraraka says.

"he doesn't seem to notice anyone around him." Iida says.

"What happened to you two?" Todoroki asks. Bakugo scoffs.

"those fuckers that took us were the ones that took him two years ago, they were the ones that forced that quirk onto the stupid nerd." Bakugo says.

"forced a quirk onto him?" Uraraka says.

"you make it sound like Midoriya-kun didn't have a quirk beforehand." Iida says.

"That's exactly what I'm saying four-eyes, the nerd was quirkless until he was found." Bakugo says pushing past them to take his seat infront of Izuku.

He turns around and has a look at Izuku before returning to face the front with a scoff. Soon Aizawa arrived. He looks over to Izuku and sighs before explaining the situation and then starting their lessons.

A week later Izuku was running late to class. Aizawa had just arrived and immediately noticed one of his students was missing.

"Where's Midoriya?" he asks. Suddenly before anyone could answer the door to the classroom swung open and Izuku stood there breathing like he had sprinted the whole way there from the dorms. "you're late."

"sorry, I accidently smashed my alarm clock." Izuku says apologetically. The whole class was shocked. He seemed like he was back to normal and yet the day before, even last night he was silent and didn't respond to anyone. Aizawa sighs.

"take your seat Midoriya." he says.

"yes!" Izuku quickly makes his way to his seat and then their lessons begin.

During breaktimes Izuku was like he normally was, happy, talkative and bubbly. Everyone was happy but also really worried by how quickly he had changed back to the Izuku that they knew. During their last lesson Todoroki notices that Izuku was drawing on his arm. He was about to dismiss it until he noticed Izuku had stopped drawing and was now pushing the pen into his arm. Blood ran down his arm and onto his desk.

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