Chapter 18: Becoming a Hero.

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"Hey Bakugo, have you been visiting Midoriya-kun?" Kirishima asks.

"the fuckers wont let anyone in to see him, except for Aunty Inko and the teachers." Bakugo growls. It has been a year since Izuku went to the hospital for treatment. The class knows that Izuku has been completing school work in the hospital because his name pops up for the exam rankings but they aren't allowed to see him. "aunty Inko says he's going good though."

"thanks for the update, everyone has been wondering how he's been doing." Kirishima says as the rest of the class starts to talk among themselves after hearing that Izuku is doing fine. "but man, i cannot believe we're in our third year already bro, we're so close to becoming heroes!"

"yeah, am I'm going to be the number one hero!" Bakugo says.

"that's a hefty goal Bakugo-kun." Iida says.

"Deku always spoke about becoming the number one hero when we were kids." Bakugo says.

"so you're doing it for Deku-kun?" Uraraka asks.

"Fuck no, I'm doing this to beat him." Bakugo yells letting off small explosions.

"sit down." Aizawa says opening the classroom door. everyone took their seat for class to start. "we have a special guest today." the students start muttering, wondering who it could be. most were discussing what type of pro hero would visit them in their third year. "come on in." everyone buzzed with excitement. the door slides open and their special guest hops in.

"DEKU!" Everyone jumps from their seat, happy too see their friend in so long.

"Hey guys!" Izuku says happily.

"Midoriya has finished his treatment and is now returning to school, becuase of his time away he will be doing a few extensive hero classes so you wont see him in class for a while until he has caught up." Aizawa announces. "I don't care what you do right now, I'm going to sleep."

"you haven't changed at all Aizawa-sensei." Izuku says happily.

"Adults don't change much." Aizawa lays down in his sleeping bag and goes to sleep. Izuku makes his way closer to the class and they start talking. Mostly asking how Izuku was and what happened while he was in the hospital.

"Bakubro, is the strongest in the class at the moment!" Kirishima says.

"isn't it tied between Bakugo and Todoroki?" Uraraka asks.

"oh yeah!"

"don't put that icyhot bastard on the same page as me!" Bakugo yells. Bakugo turns to Izuku "I'm going to be number one."

"I know but I'll catch up Kacchan." Izuku says. "oh, you will see me in normal classes but not hero classes until i catch up, just like what Sensei said." Izuku grins and the other stop a bit startled. "what's wrong?"

"you, kinda seem the same as you were before." Uraraka says.

"oh, yeah, don't worry, I can act differently if you want, i was taught to control my emotions so i wont do anything like i would have before." Izuku says.

"you don't have to act differently Deku-kun." Uraraka says. "oh, Deku-kun, what type of hero are you planning on being?"

"A resuce hero, i can get people out from blocked of spaces because i can move them through walls." Izuku says happily.

"that does fit your quirk well." Todoroki says.

"yeah, i thought so too, before i would have become a normal hero that fights and captures villains over a resuce hero but i changed my mind."

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