Chapter 6: UA's Sports Festival.

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"putting the incident with Midoriya aside, you will need to prepare for the sports festival." Aizawa says.
"should that really be happening, we were just attacked by Villains." Yaoyorozu asks.
"it's to show the public that UA will not be affected by the incident, it's to show that we are stronger." Aizawa says. Aizawa lays down in his sleeping bag and allowed the students of class 1A talk among themselves about the festival. The festival was in two days and they all decided that they needed to train for the festival. So, for the next two days everyone did their best at training for the festival. On the day of the festival everyone was still trying to get ready, trying to drown out their nerves so they can perform their best. That's when they finally saw him.
"Deku!" Uraraka yells out happily as she sees the green bush of the boys hair bobbing towards them.
"hello!" he says happily. Trailing behind him was Aizawa with the same tired look on his face as always. Izuku starts to head towards his class but is stopped by Aizawa.
"remember Midoriya, you're being monitored so be good." he says. Izuku grins at Aizawa before giving him a mock salute.
"I understand sensei" he then runs of towards the others.
"are you okay Deku?" Bakugo asks. Izuku nods showing Bakugo a small smile.
"I'm fine." he says.
"hey Midoriya were you able to train for the festival?" Kirishima asks.
"nope but I don't want to win or anything, I just want to have some fun!" Izuku says
"stupid Deku, if you do to poorly you might lose your seat in 1A" Bakugo says.
"really, then I guess I'll have to do my best," Izuku says. He looks over to Aizawa and smiles "without breaking the rules."
"what rules?" Uraraka asks.
"because of what happened I have a few restrictions but it's okay!" Izuku announces. Soon the festival started and midnight appears to announced the first game.
"the first challenge is..." she spins the giant circle and waited for the pin to land on the challenge. It was pre-arranged but this allowed for some suspension. "an obstacle race, the race will use the track along the outside of the stadium and will be full of obstacles to get through and over."
"let's get this challenge started, students all go and line up for the race!" present mic announces from an announcement booth. All students throughout the whole school weather in the hero course or general studies lined up at the starting area.
"be careful Deku, the students from general studies will be after our seats in the hero course, they came to see what we were like yesterday." Uraraka says
"don't worry, I'll be fine." Izuku chimes.
"but you can barely control your quirk" she says a little worried.
"I seem to control my quirk better in a tense situation, I'll be fine, worry about yourself." Izuku says grinning. When the gun went off all the student started running off towards the small tunnel causing a blockade of bodies. Almost immediately after Todoroki freezes the floor leaving more than half of the students trapped, frozen by their feet in a cramped area. Izuku looks at the ice covering his feet and grins.
"this is going to be so much fun!" he says. He lifts his feet and they glitch out of the ice. He passes through all of the trapped students like a ghost causing a lot of them to shiver. Izuku then starts to run to the next obstacle. When he arrives Todoroki freezes the giant robots.
" robots!" he happily runs over to them. The robots, having been frozen on an angle, broke and fell down. Izuku watches at the robots fall towards him before feeling the tingle of his quirk. The next he opens his eyes he's a few centimetres away from the robots.
" that was close" he hums. He climbs over the robots as two students bust out from underneath. Izuku dismisses them and continues on with the race. It was so much fun but it wasn't much of a challenge. He soon made it closer to Bakugo and Todoroki. He knew they were battling for the first place and thought it'd be amusing to see their reactions if he came first but if Bakugo was to win he'd like to see his expression. He had missed Bakugo when he was in hospital last year. He couldn't wait until he got to see him again and he was finally in his class again. He didn't want to make him mad, he wanted to be friends this time not enemies. He made it to the minefield. He could clearly see where all of the mines were so he happily skipped through. A lot of the students behind him were getting blown up. After the minefield there was a full on dash to the finish line. Izuku just skipped glitching closer to the finish line. He ended up in third place behind Bakugo who was fuming with anger that Todoroki won instead of him. Todoroki smirks at Bakugo's reaction but Izuku just happily skipped over to Bakugo.
"good job kacchan, you beat me!" he says.
"shut up you fucking Deku!" Bakugo yells popping off a few explosions as he yells. Izuku goes to say something again but Uraraka stops him..
"do you want Bakugo to kill you?" she asks hushed so Bakugo cannot hear her
"kacchan won't do that, he wants to be a hero after all." Izuku says cheery. Uraraka looks at Izuku in disbelief. Everyone knows what Bakugo is like but Izuku seems to dismiss his explosive nature.
"Deku-kun, did you know Bakugo before coming to UA?" Iida asks joining in on their conversation.
"yep, we went to the same middle school, we've known each other since we were kids because mum and aunty Mitsuki are friends." Izuku explains.
"that makes sense, was Bakugo always like this?" Kirishima asks
"yep, he's just like aunty Mitsuki." Izuku says.
"shut up fucking Deku!" Bakugo yells
"kacchan, how is aunty Mitsuki, I haven't seen her!" Izuku asks hopping over to Bakugo as small streams of smoke rise from his hands.
"she's fucking good okay, shut the fuck up, I'm going to win this fucking festival." Bakugo storms away from Izuku and leaves him standing with a smile on his lips. Izuku swings around and turns to his friends.
"I've always wanted to be good friends with kacchan!" he says.
"I don't think he thinks of you as a friend Deku." Uraraka says.
"I don't care." Izuku replies smiling broadly.
"now for the second game!" midnight announces. After the horse race Bakugo is still in second place and this makes him even more pissed off. Every time Izuku tried to approach him he blew up at him and the rest of the class was getting worried at Izuku's nonchalant reactions to Bakugo yelling at him to 'fuck off'. Izuku always bounces back over to Bakugo without fear.
"h...hey Deku-kun, come over here!" Uraraka yells out to get Izuku away from Bakugo who looked like he was about to explode at him, literally.
"the last excitement for today is the 1V1 battles, two students will be paired and they will fight until one concedes or is unable to fight" midnight announces. "let's have a break for the arena to be built"
"stay tuned listeners and expect a good show soon" present mic yells through the speakers.
"let's go get ready Deku-kun!" Uraraka says turning to her green haired friend.
"Midoriya." Izuku turns toward their tired teachers voice. "you need to come with me."
"why?" Izuku asks sad that he couldn't go with his friends.
"we need to go over some rules." Aizawa says. Izuku looks back to Uraraka and then to Aizawa before turning to follow his tired teacher.
"Aizawa sensei, why does Izuku have rules to go over?" Uraraka asks.
"because, when he's worked up he cannot control his power." Aizawa's answer was simple and left no room for further questions as he started to walk away immediately after with Izuku following closely behind him.

If you see any spelling mistakes I'm sorry, blame autocorrect. If you have any comments feel free to post them. I'll be happy to respond!

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