Chapter 10: Final Exams.

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after interns the students all talk to each others about their experiences and what happened at Hosu, while they were talking Aizawa took the chance to go to Principal Nezu's office to talk to him.

"Come in." Aizawa enters after hearing Nezu's small voice call out to him.

"Ah, Aizawa-sensei, why have you come during class?" Nezu asks.

"It's about Midoriya." Aizawa says cutting right to the reason he was there.

"Oh, what's wrong?"

"I think he is slowly regaining his memories from the year he was missing."

"and why do you think that?" Nezu asks.

"he gets frequent headaches with no cause other than returning memories." Aizawa says "there's a problem with him getting his memories back."

"he will be unpredictable, he already is but he will become more so, right?" Nezu asks.

"yes, his mind is already damaged with no memories, I could only imagine what could happen when he remembers." Aizawa says.

"I see, keep your eyes on him Aizawa, I will figure something out." Nezu says.


"now then, get back to your class." Aizawa returns to his noisy class who were still chatting about their internships.

"Hey Deku, what did you do during internships?" Uraraka asks.

"I was with Aizawa-sensei, he help me get more control over my quirk." Izuku says happily.

"What happened to your arm Midoriya-kun?" Iida asks.

"I stabbed it." Izuku says smiling.

" stabbed it?" Iida repeats confused. Izuku nods with a smile.

"I told Aizawa-sensei what happens when i overuse my quirk but he was confused so i showed him."

"What happens when you over use your quirk?" Uraraka asks.

"my body feels numb." Izuku says.

"Numb?" Iida asks

"yep, I can show you what I mean."

"don't do that." Aizawa says "you said you wouldn't do anything like that again."

"ah, right, sorry." Izuku says rubbing his neck embarrassed.

"what did he do Aizawa-sensei." Uraraka asks.

"when he says numb he means he cannot feel anything, to show me he stabbed his arm with a stick." Aizawa explains.

"So, that wound..."

"it's where he stabbed himself, let's get class started, take your seats." after his students had taken their seats Aizawa explained to them about their exams. "there will be three days of written exams and then a practical exam."

"oh no..."



Aizawa listens as many of his students yell out in fear and misery.

"do your best studying for the exams." he tells them with a smirk. Soon the exam arrived and after three days of written exams their practical exams were now upon the students.

"Fighting robots is going to be easy!" Ashido yells happily jumping into the air.

"yeah, we're all gonna pass this test and go to the summer camping trip!" Kaminari says.

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