chapter seven

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"Sakura... mentioned that thing earlier, mind telling us about that? And what's with that whole situation with Sasuke? "

"What thing with Sasuke?" Temari said.

"What thing did Sakura mention?" Hinata asked.

I stiffened. "Uh... well I had a bit of a... breakdown.." I mumbled. "Earlier. I said.. some stuff that hurt the guys... and Sasuke said... some things he shouldn't have said to me because he has a whole ass wife." I said, my tone showing sight anger by the end of the sentence.

"But the thing Sakura mentioned..." Ino trailed off. "It's true, isn't it? I could tell how hurt you were. Does Sasuke know?"

"Wait?" Temari said. "The hell did Sakura say to you?"

I looked down at the ground. I could feel my hands shaking slightly. "You don't have to tell us if you're not ready," Hinata said soothingly while stroking my hair.

I took a deep, shaky breath. 'No more tears.' I thought.

"I'll show you guys... and," I looked at Ino. "It's true, and Naruto and Sasuke already know. "

I took another deep breath and activated my kurome. I showed them the same thing I showed Naru and Sasuke (chapter three if you've forgotten) and the incident with Sasuke and Sakura.

Ino gasped and looked at me sadly, and tears welled up in Hinata's eyes. I could feel the anger radiation off of Temari, and it made me shiver.

"I- I'm so sorry that happened to you," Hinata said gently.

I shook my head. "It's in the past. I just want to move on."

"Who the hell do you think you are wishing you were dead?! How DARE Sakura say those things, and Sasuke- UGH" Temari said.

"Hey... Let's not dwell on that okay. I just wanna... move on and I'm not completely mad at Sakura. I understand why she was upset... Sasuke.." I sighed. "Sasuke is Sasuke."

"She still shouldn't have said what she said," Temari said and crossed her arms.

"...Why don't we go back to the Hokage tower and make the guys carry our stuff?" I said. I really want to drop this whole subject, but I think it was necessary to tell them. They could help me heal.


"We're back!" I exclaimed as I burst the door of Naruto's office open.

"Finally!" Naruto said. "I see you got a lot of work done. Good job Naru." I said with a smile and ruffled his hair after putting my bags down.

"It was a lot easier thanks to your sorting, to be honest. Did you ladies have fun?"

"We had so much fun!" Ino exclaimed with a smile.

Sasuke and Shikamaru walked into the room. "Hello, ladies," Shikamaru said.

"Hey, Shika!" He kissed Temari on the cheek. Sasuke walked over to me. "How was shopping?"

"It was fun." Sasuke nodded and took my bags from my hands. "Thanks," I said. "Wait until you hear Ino's idea!" Hinata said with a smile.

"What's the idea?" Naruto asked.

"You guys clean up ____'s house, and then we have a party there! We'll invite everyone she knows and says we have a surprise for them and once everyone gets there, we'll introduce her as a big surprise!"

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," Sasuke said.

"Then she can reunite with everyone all at once and we can celebrate! It'll be great!" Naruto said. "We'll do it tomorrow!"


"Yes!" He exclaimed. "Thanks to (NN) I finished this work pretty fast. If I stay a little late I'll be able to take the day off tomorrow."

"I'll stay and help out," I said with a smile.

"We'll get going then!" Ino said. "We can go and get decorations and make food preparations now before it gets too late."

"I'll come too," Shikamaru said. They all talked some more and then left. Hinata ended up leaving with Sasuke to take our bags to Naruto's house, so it was just me and Naruto at the office. For a while, we sat in silence and worked on the last few piles of paperwork.

"So... you and Sasuke? Are you okay? Things must be confusing or something," Naru said.

I looked at him and shrugged.

"C'mon. Somthings been bugging you, and Hinata texted me and said something happened and I should talk to you about it."

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. Sasuke and I wont be anything more than friends. I dont want to ruin a family and... Sakura's different. " I mumbled out the last part.

"What happened? Did she do something-"

"Its fine dont worry about it."

"C'mon (NN). Let me be there for you. I cant help if you wont tell me anything." I stayed quiet. Im not sure I should tell him, honestly.

"Ya know... I feel kinda bad. I want you and Sasuke to be happy, yall are my best friends, but.. I dont want anyone yo get hurt. I guess in this situation someone is bound to get hurt... and I hope it's not you. I think you deserve happiness more than anyone."

I couldn't help but tear up. "Today alone, I've been on the brink of tears more then I have in my entire life." I said softly while looking down at the work in front of me.

Naruto pulled his chair out from under his desk and opened his arms. "Hugs?"

I got up from my chair and jumped into his arms. He pulled me into his lap and I hugged him tightly. Naruto looked in a different direction for a short moment, but I ignored it.

"Sakura... she knows, and she said some harsh things today. It's like... she thinks she's better for Sasuke because she can give him something I couldn't and she's right. How can I live with myself knowing that I failed to protect the one thing in this world that I was supposed to protect with my life?" I choked back a sob and wiped my tear stained face. "I cant even look Sasuke in the eye for to long because I feel so bad. Is he mad at me about it? Maybe he thinks I'm a failure too? On top of that, how can I just come back and destroy their happiness? Sasuke has a wife and a beautiful daughter. Who am I to get in the way of that? I'd rather be miserable my entire life, just so he could be happy."

I took a deep breath after spilling my heart out. "It just... hurts." I said softly.

Naruto wiped my tears. "I think you are Sasuke's happiness (NN). I dont want to speak for home though, so why dont you guys just talk it out?" He looked over to the side. I looked up and there he was. Sasuke was standing in the doorway, with an unreadable expression on his face. "Whatever happens, just know I'm here for you." Naruto said.

Sasuke and made eyecontact, then he walked away. I knew he wanted me to follow him.

"You'll be okay." Naruto said while giving me a comforting smile. I sighed and slowly walked out of Naruto's office.

I didn't want to leave Naru with all of this work. I shouldn't go.

"I'll be fine, just go." Naruto said. I swear he just reads my mind sometimes. "and there's no need to be scared." He added after that.

"I'm not scared." I said with an eye roll. I walked outside of the building, and Sasuke was standing there. "C'mon." Is all he said before walking away again. I slowly followed closely behind him. My chest felt tight, and there was a lump in the back of my throat that just wouldn't go away.


I'm scared. 

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