The Job for The Man (Extra Chapter)

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This is an extra chapter showing how
Y/N is getting over not seeing his family or his "girlfriend" again and his fear of dying.

(Third Person POV)

G/N: I wonder how long I've been crying..

Ever since Kirito and G/N left together after Klein declined to go with them to level up together, G/N has been crying in secret whenever he was alone.

G/N: M-Mom.....Dad.....J-Jesssssss...if i die, I'm sorry and I love you....

He's been thinking of trying to kill his in game self to really test if the nervegear thing is fake, but is always interrupted.

G/N: Should I end it....?

Kirito then walked in

Kirito: End what?

G/N: (wipes tears) U-uhhh, end this floor...

Kirito: Yeah, we should really try finding the boss room so we can at least get to floor 2.

G/N: We really should.....hey Kirito, what are you fighting for?

Kirito: Hm.....I don't really know, but I'll just go where the fight takes me. What about you?

G/N: Uhhh, I don't know..

Kirito: You should find one.

G/N: You're one to talk, but your right. I should find one before it's too late...

Kirito: What do you mean?

G/N: N-Nothing. Let's go level up.

Kirito: Alright just know I'm here if you need anything.

G/N smiled when he heard this.

G/N: Thanks, man.

Kirito: So where do you wanna go level up?

G/N: Anywhere's fine for me.

Kirito: Alright, lets go.

A few hours went by until they were back in the Town of beginnings.

G/N: It's been a while since I've been here

Kirito: Yeah, it has.

???: Well, what do we have here.

G/N and Kirito turned around to find Argo.

Kirito: Hey, Argo.

G/N: Hey, cat

Argo: (blushes) Hey, Kiri-boy and G-G/N...

G/N: I guess you like it when I call you that.

Argo: I'll charge ya extra on yer next purchase!

G/N: (laughs) Ok, ok, I'm sorry.

Kirito: So what are you doing here, Argo?

Argo: Well Kiri-boy, I heard there was a special quest that went unnoticed by me.

G/N: That's surprising coming for you.

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