Excalibur (Chapter 41) Excabilur Arc End

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(Y/N's POV)

Thrym slammed his fist on the ground, but we all dodged it.

Y/N: Just repeat this and we'll be fine!

We kept avoiding his attacks and made his HP go down a little.

Yui: He's going to punch twice again!

Just as Yui said that, he punched the ground, but as we avoided the first one, Kirito got hit by the second one. I went over to make sure he was ok, while everyone distracted him. As we went back, I saw Sinon fire an explosive arrow at his head and Klein and Leafa use sword skills on him.

Yui: His ice breath is coming. Three seconds...two...one...zero!

Thrym shot his ice beam at us like some sort of Pokémon, but I noticed Freyja charging purple lighting. Once she finished, she struck it down on Thrym, causing him to fall over.

Y/N: Are ya SHOCKED that your first HP bar is almost gone? Enough with the puns, let's take advantage of his DOWNFALL!

Kirito: Ok, let's go!

Me, Klein, and Kirito charged at Thrym with our sword skills active. Kirito and Klein made an x in his chest while I went for his throat. His first HP bar was empty, and it gave me some HP back, but Thrym wasn't too thrilled and started changing attack patterns.

Kirito: He's changing attack patterns! Be careful!

Leafa: This is bad, guys....

Y/N: What is? Woah!

Thrym tried to flatten me and Leafa into a pancake, but we jumped out of the way and got back together.

Leafa: The medallion has only 3 lights left! Can't you or Kirito use your whatsit skill?

Y/N: Even if we tried, our skills wouldn't take him out since he still has 2 HP bars left.

Thrym started to get ready to use his ice breathe.

Kirito: Everyone, defensive positions!

Thrym unleashed his ice breathe and we put shields up to protect us. After a few seconds, they were all broken and we started to get frozen in place.

Leafa: No...the buffs! G/-

Leafa was cut off since she was frozen solid. After Leafa, Kirito became a block of ice and after Kirito we froze like popsicles one by one.
Thrym shook the ground when he jumped, causing us to break free and Asuna healed our HP back to max.

Asuna: Everyone, run!

Thrym was lifting up his leg to crush us, when a barrage of fire arrows came from a blue cat.

Y/N: Thanks, pussy, but we could've used those when his ice breathe was turning us into relics from the ice age!

Sinon: Oh, shut it.

Kirito: Sinon, buy us thirty seconds!

Thrym tried to attack Sinon, but she jumped and kicked his nose. Meanwhile, I was about to charge when Freyja came up to me.

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