another introduction

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B . E . F . O . R . E P . I . L . O . T

Hello fellow readers
I'm back with another thrills and spills
Drama and secret.

No spoilers
*no body is dying in this book not yet *

Before saying anything I'm warning with my updates they might be once twice a week or maybe longer

So let get to business

I'll be thanking to all those who support me and my fellow friends

This is my new great creation from my heart worked on it for the past year thinking rethinking you know what I mean

Also I have other creations so check it out

Those who don't know them check out my book

Don't forget to vote and comment plus share around

Oh and to those who have noticed hell while reading this book it has to be edited by the mean of the word *major* I really mean it

C . O . P . Y . R . I . G . H . T

Violation to stealing other people's idea is to be warned and to a fair warning to those think they can do as they please karma isn't just a word

And you'll pay the consequences so I warn you and will again soon , you wouldn't want a bitch attitude from me because I bite real bad trust me

I am a cheetah when it comes to my babies including my friends

W . A . R . N . I . N . G

Language well know in my books so if you want to hear shit keep reading but if you don't then please don't not go further

They trip real bad Bobo

B . O . N . O . L . O . 2 . 0 . K

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