chapter 13 || draft

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^^^ Trey Swart ^^^


I'm falling

It's more like zoning in and out of this lecture when my mind is running a mile, still it's hard to find myself to concentrate.

I need to ignore what on my mind but what catches my eye the girl sitting next to me did the job by distracting me . Her sighs and frequent clicks of her pen were a bit annoying , it's clear she's defeated in other words or maybe trying to get through this lecture. "Need any help?" I asked her. She turns her head to look at me her lips gapped

"Yeah , and that w-would be the bald head talking right o-over their he isn't doing much when we highly get a good word to note down."she stutters, it was kinda cute causing me to snort.

"Well I can say the same ... by the way I'm Jodie." I slightly wave my free left hand to her, she nod a head running her fingers through her hair.

"Penelope." She genuinely smiles adjusting her glasses, to my own simple mind I felt as if I made a friend on my own terms without being forced into something, because even my life far away from my father I still found people just wanting to befriend me to benefit something.

"Is it me or does college look so easy on TV when in reality it's just the typical distress of how life is just like global warming." She rolls her eyes, Glancing at Penelope leans back in her chair staring at the professor talk about PowerPoint presentation that's projected.

I nod to her words just looking own on my half written paper which seems to not literally recover much on what's happening on the screen

"We're kinda hypnotized by what's seems right, but always forget that the real world is complicated own it's own just like how we set rules but not always follow them."

"You can say that again." She mumbles

"Got any classes after this lecture?" I asked her silently not turning my head to look at Penelope.

I kept writing waiting for her response, "Nope, but I do have one at 15:00 pm to say I'm stuck here until 6pm" she groans, from the corner of my eye I felt her eyes were on me "Why ask by the way?" She questions, I glance smiling in response to her arched eyebrow.

"How about lunch is on me and I hate to be alone at the moment." I slightly grinned, I tuned back on writing finding myself thinking of something that wasn't bothering me, but I needed a break from people I intend to always be around.

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