chapter 27 || draft

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One month

And my own investigation was already in motion, my suspension on three foes or should I prefer them friends. I just never thought Selena's name would be one of them

"You think this would actually work?" Xander sat on the counter chair, drinking coffee on the early sunrise.

Xander been here lately couldn't ask anyone for help since the only person I could actually trust at the moment.

"What else can we actually do! Our options are minimum." I said, the thought of seeing everything scares me more not just saying it was them all along.

Which isn't surprising.

"Jodie if we strike first the cops won't hesitate to arrest our asses, think about killing Selena won't benefit anything." He says staring right at me.

"It's been a month Xander! Can things get any better, because it keeps getting worse!" I exclaimed

He rolls his eyes "They are just tabloids Jodie, and I don't want you pointing a gun with the investigation is still on." I throw my bagel at Xander, my angle was off when Xander moves out of the way.

"As if you're speaking you have enemies." Within seconds he spaced out, but this only happened for a brief moment before his conscious mind came to reality.

"Everybody has their own demons and I know how to handle them." He said, the look he gave was too sarcastic than his hurtful words.

I tried not to get a knife and stabbing him through his chest. He sounds so pitiful even I cringed when he thinks I'll feel any sympathy for him

"Right, so my demons got you involved the fact your father forced you to have a commitment relationship with my sister." I bite my bagel looking at the specimen choke on the coffee that he is drinking ,slightly spilling droplets on the marble counter

Another fact I was so curious about is why me not Xander ,because we are both in this. So I had Steve go through some digging and it seems the mole never digger far enough.

Xander's escape root made his freedom limited as his father had an agreement.

Joining the alignment with the Homes residence gave opportunities in more business if legalization was running slow on the show.

Why not bring a man who knows more to the black market.

"Cat got your tongue." I chuckled, walking into the living room grabbing my bag and a few files. My trip to the office wasn't going to be short since my work hours were extended. "You can't hide all your secrets from me Xander , you think your better ,but in the end we aren't so different."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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