chapter 11 || draft

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Jodie I think it's time of you to stop ignoring me we need to talk now

Ignoring that message was harder than I thought, because all I could think about is what does he really want from me.

I thought it was over, but I'm always wrong, Lucas kept asking me what was the problem ,yet I brushed it off. Xander made it clear he didn't want to go down that path again so I just accepted it.

At some point I have to talk to him. But for now I need to enjoy my life just a little bit.

"Earth to Jodie !" Lucas snaps his fingers in front of my face seeing the elevator was all ready open .

"Did you just say my name?" Lucas bites his lower lip staring away , hands in his denim pockets. "Nope " He shakes his head, rolling my eyes to how childish can he be, but sometimes it is kinda cute.

"Anyways I'm driving ."

He snatches my keys without my knowledge . I glare at him when he just had a smile on his lips. "Hey! you drove last time and you promised." I speak reaching to take my keys back ,but then his long arms beat me to it.

I swear 5,9 feet isn't a bad height but still it's a pain to those who are taller than you.

"You know this is just cliché in the end I'll make sure our wedding day will be a delight." He chuckles, I jump up as high as I can when they was no use to reach them and the thought of me marry him was just lucid.

"Lucas why in hell would I marry you and for Christ sake don't talk about your vitamin D." opening the passenger side crossing my arms angry to this specimen .

"Fine, but where is the fun in taking that road also it feels refreshing to get on edge." He smirks

"Dude! You have a car in the first place why can't I at least enjoy my baby?" I asked Lucas shrugs starting the engine.

"She is our baby for your correction mainly because you're her mother and she's daddy's little girl." He grins hearing the smooth engine roar.

"Kill me already." I mutter, putting on my seat belt

"Don't say that she will get upset." He teases

First day on campus and my mood dropped ten percent ,exhausted but we'll manage. Right!?

For the past week Lucas nonchalant ego was stuck with me and I managed not to cross the line of having sex with him. The friendship itself manifested oddly, but lovable.

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