chapter 5 || draft

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^^^ Rachael Priece ^^^

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^^^ Rachael Priece ^^^


Rachael Priece

The only girl I consider a sister from another mother, when we grew up together since preschool and visiting Florida made my holidays less haunted.

Yet silence shuts our connection between us . It wasn't her fault mostly, it was my fault that I became so flooded with fear running away from my own sin.

When that accident happened three days before Christmas... it changed everything.

The fact we are actually talking is amusing even when she had a 'friend' over a guy named Bobby. He looks more of a broad muscline guy or perhaps to describe in easier terms a jock , yet more built giving him a credit to his basic looks.

What's common to most unfiltered jock they are less attractive towards the face.

"I heard about your mom, I don't know what you're going through but I can see your pain." she mumbles, Bobby went to take a call leaving the both of us sitting out at the balcony of the restaurant hearing the seagulls and ocean currents as the sun shines it's rays on the ocean.

Call it beauty but I clarify it as trauma

"It's nothing new Rachael"

She stares right back at me frowning , hugging herself as she leans back in her seat.

"She was a great woman I am sure of it." Smiling in pain, regrets on how it hurts showing things are okay when everything inside of me burns to ashes.

" Yeah , a great mother and lawyer that I admired so much ,which never lasted."

"I wish I could ease the pain somehow I really do." She smiled sadly reaching her hand to hold mine, they were soft and warm and comforting.

Bobby came back and the first thing he looked at was my hand held Rachael's. The irritation in his eyes pierce through me , ignoring them to take my hand out of Rachael comfort.

"They isn't any way to bring her back ,but my luck ran out with another problem found its way for me to deal with." I drink the rest of water in the glass, wishing I had alcohol in my hand .

"Wait your talking about him." shooting a warning glance since right at this moment we weren't alone any more but still her eyes widen.

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