chapter 3: old friends

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(this is important, please read this. Part of this chapter is in 3rd person, but then it switches to 1st person. Look for the words "Anakin's pov". Please vote and enjoy.)

Later after that meeting, Ahsoka and Anakin were supposed to report to the jedi council immediately for a briefing of the Senate meeting. Ahsoka still would not talk to Anakin, no matter how hard he tried. He even called her "youngling" to get her annoyed and yell at him. Nothing worked.


After briefing the council they were sent to help their assigned senator unpack from their long journey to Corosaunt. Ahsoka dreaded this part of her day. Right about now she was supposed to be slicing some battle droids head off. She missed the action, the thrill, and the adventure of battle. The most exciting thing that happens in the senate is getting to leave the senate. And the worst part you ask. She had to spend 4 hours of her day listening to Lux Bonteri. LUX BONTERI!! Giving a speech about respecting others, that's rich coming from him. "if he can't respect a jedi knight, or a soon to be knight then he is in no position to be lecturing others about respect" she thought on her way to Lux's quarters. She assumed Anikin was going to Padme's already, order or no order. When she arrived at the door, she took a breath and cleared her mind, then proceeded to knock. He opened the door stoned face staring at a tablet, never taking his eyes off it.

"Uh mom I didn't know you'd be back this early, anyways could you get me a water please" asked the senator. Ahsoka didn't know what to think. A part of her wanted to burst out laughing, and the other half wanted to reprehand him for it. She decided to go with neither, she cleared her throat and began to speak.

"Uh, uh, umm, excuse me Mr. Bonteri, but I am not your mother, I'm Ahsoka Tano from earlier. Lux's eyes darted up and he began to blush.

"oh, umm, e-excuse me, Miss. Tano. Would you like to come in?" Ahsoka really wanted to say no, he was always so annoying around her, stumbling over his words, never looking her in the eye, he was... different.

"Yes I was sent here to help you unpack." Ahsoka walked in the room when it dawned on her how much bigger it was then her room.

"Whoa, you have it way better then I do, I only have a small bedroom and half a kitchen. This is a mansion inside of a mansion. How did you get so lucky?" asked Ahsoka. Lux sighed. He could see why she might think he has a super life, but she couldn't be more wrong.

"Well my life as a senator isn't all cupcakes and Rainbows you know. Being a senator is hard. Especially when your only a 16 year old senator, and you only have your mother to help" Lux said getting his suitcase out. Ashoka wondered what he meant by that.

"Whatever do you mean, surely it can't be just you and your mom" she said as she took a seat next to him.

"Well it's always been like that, we'll sorta. My dad was shot in the head during a battle between the separatists and the Republic. Now its really only me to fend for myself, my mom is wrapped up in politics these days. Earlier today in the pod, that was the first time I've seen her in a week, and we live together. I just wish I had someone, anyone who understood me" finished Lux. Ahsoka felt genuinely sorry for Lux, she knew how it felt to be cast aside for amother.

"Well look no further, I understand perfectly, I know from personal experience. You see the togruta's have a tradition that 2 of their native kind would have a baby. They train the baby to talk and to hunt, but when they turn 5 the parents leave their kids... forever. I fended for myself for 9 years until I got lost in the woods and found , by master Plo Koon. They were taking heavy fire from droids so I jumped out to help them, next thing I know yoda announces me as a trainee in his temple. And now I'm being taught by Anakin Skywalker. The point is I know what it's like to be left alone, especially since my parents left early for... for a new life. They left me on that hot dry desert planet while they ran away to a beautiful island or something.*Ahsoka stands up* But look at you and me, I'm becoming a jedi knight and your a senator for the grand Republic, I guess we didnt end up so badly huh?" Ahsoka finished. Lux examined the beautiful smile around the young jedi's face, it was the first one he's seen from her. He stood up before saying
"no, your not bad at all". Lux realised what she had meant now, it was a retorical question, one that didn't need to answer. But he answered it wrong by giving an answer. Ahsoka leaned back from him upset, and she put her hand out and his suitcase started moving. She put it on the bed and re folded the clothes and nic-nacs and put them away.

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