Chapter XLVII

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"Together, we shall defend the ways of the Jedi." - Tycho Zapal, from Collected Wisdom of the Jedi Masters

As they came closer to Vardos, Pete started to panic. The planet looked dark and stormy, and he definitely had a bad feeling about what they were about to do, but nevertheless, Patrick steered the Z-95 into the planet's atmosphere, humming softly to himself as he passed by an Imperial TIE fighter.

While Pete wrote another bad poem in the margins of his copy of Collected Wisdom of the Jedi Masters, Patrick carefully landed the Z-95 in an abandoned shipyard. As soon as they were on the ground, Pete glanced out the window. Now that they were on the surface of the planet, Vardos was even more terrifying - the shipyard was next to a huge Imperial fortress, and every building in sight was similarly tall, harsh, and menacing. Even the sky was the same gray color as the ships in the Imperial Fleet.

"Holy smokes," Patrick said. "We're here."

"No kidding, Lunchbox."

"I'm not going to lie - I'm a little nervous."

Pete was terrified, but he reminded himself why he was here. He was supposed to be Patrick's moral support. He had to support him, even when he could barely support himself.

"You can do this," Pete said. "You can beat Darth Vader."

"What if I can't?" Patrick asked.

"You can, but if things get tough, just sing to yourself," Pete suggested. "Maybe something like, 'I'm Patrick Stump, and I'll go down in history. I'm the cutest Jedi in the galaxy, not to mention the nicest one, and I'll dance alone to the beat of my heart if I have to. I'll beat Darth Vader because I'm literally perfect, and there's nothing I can't do."

"But Pete, that's not..."

"I'm only stating facts, Trick."

Patrick was silent for a moment and then he said, "Pete, if I don't come back..."

"Don't even say that."

"If I don't come back, I want you to know that you're the song stuck in my head, because in all my life, you're the only person that's ever really understood me. We've been through a lot, but I wouldn't take a single moment of it back. I love you to death."

"I love you too," Pete said with a smile. "What a match we are though. I'm half-doomed, and you're semi-sweet."

Patrick chuckled and then said, "I think that's why we're so perfect together."

Pete smiled again, knowing that his boyfriend was right. He never felt as happy as he did when he was with Patrick.

"Well, there's no use in delaying the inevitable," Patrick said. "I should go."

He kissed Pete and then headed for the door, but Pete stopped him. "You should take R1-69 with you," he said. "That way, you won't have to go in alone."

Patrick looked reluctant, but the droid rolled up next to him, and he said, "I guess that's okay."

Pete stole one more kiss, and then he said, "I'll see you soon, Trick. May the Force be with you."

"May the Force be with you too, Pete," Patrick said as he stepped out of the Z-95 with R1 in tow.

As Pete waved to him from inside the ship, Patrick started walking toward the Imperial fortress. He took a breath of the dry, smoky air, and he looked over his shoulder, just to make sure that nobody was watching him. Pete had given him some confidence that he could beat Vader, but now that he was alone, he was afraid again. Just as he was approaching the fortress, a burst of pain shot through his robotic hand, and he wanted nothing more than to turn back.

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