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Ewatomi and Fayoke wore serious expressions as they both solved their assignments together.

Fayoke yawned as soon as they finished their assignment.

"I'll rest at home during the weekend" Fayoke said and Ewatomi smiled as she packed her books into her bag.

"You are already going to the clinic bah?" Fayoke asked and Ewatomi nodded.

"I have to take care and check on all the patients. Snr Shade will take care of them over the weekends" Ewatomi replied and Fayoke nodded.

"It won't take long bah?" Fayoke asked and Ewatomi nodded.

"Yes. I went during break and there didn't seem to be that many patients" Ewatomi replied.

"Should I wait for you so we can go home together?" Fayoke asked as Ewatomi pursed her lips.

"There's a football match in school today. Should we stay and watch?" Ewatomi asked as Fayoke chuckled.

"Since when did you care about football matches?" Fayoke asked and Ewatomi swallowed her saliva.

"Snr Luke is playing, shouldn't we go and cheer for him?" Ewatomi asked.

"Ohhh.... As much as I'll like to go with you; I already promised my mom I was going to help her with her cakes. She got an order for about 100 cakes" Fayoke replied as she patted Ewatomi's shoulder.

"Cheer for him well" Fayoke said with a smile as Matthew walked towards them.

"Hello girls" Matthew greeted with a smile as Ewatomi and Fayoke slapped handshakes with him. He held onto Ewatomi's hand.

Ewatomi tried to wriggle her hand out of his grip while Matthew laughed. She pinched his hand and Matthew loosened his hold a little and she quickly wriggled her hand out.

Matthew laughed heartily showing off his dentals "Ewatomi, will you be my partner for the Physics project? I don't have a partner yet" Matthew asked and Fayoke hissed loudly.

"Why will she be your partner when I'm here?" Fayoke asked and Matthew hissed lightly.

"Awey, partner up with Bassey or Donald. Must you always partner up with Ewatomi?" Matthew asked as Fayoke folded her hands under breasts.

"If it was anyone else, I will allow but you? No way" Fayoke said as she grabbed Ewatomi's hand.

"You are my partner, you hear?" Fayoke said and Ewatomi laughed.

"Okay, okay, okay. I have to go to the clinic now. Bye bye" Ewatomi said as she locked her locker and carried her school bag before walking out of the class.

Matthew looked at Ewatomi's retreating figure and he sighed. He turned back to see Fayoke glaring at him before she also left the class.

Ewatomi chuckled as she walked towards the clinic. It was an open secret that Matthew liked her. Practically everyone on the block knew.

Matthew could be said to be one of the most handsome guys in her set. He was friendly, nice and liked to laugh a lot. What was more; he was brillant and intelligent and that was why he was unanimously voted for as the class captain.

Fayoke didn't want her to date Matthew for reasons she didn't know. She and Matthew got along pretty well but the moment Matthew showed signs of wanting to get close to her; Fayoke would turn him into an enemy immediately.

Ewatomi didn't share the feelings Matthew had for her. She once had a crush on a guy from the next class but it disappeared when he started dating another girl from his class.

For her Matthew was a nice guy and definitely boyfriend worthy with his character and face but whenever he talked about liking her; she just didn't feel good about it.

She had turned him down countless times that she was tired of turning him down but Matthew was restless as well. She remembered him pestering her about her relationship with Luke.

At the thought of Luke; a smile broke on her face as Ewatomi climbed the staircase into the clinic. He just well...... gave her joy.

"There aren't many patients to attend to" Nurse Mayo said and Ewatomi nodded.

"That's good" Ewatomi said as she walked through the hallway opening one of the wards.

After about an hour, Ewatomi walked back to the nurses desk. She wrote her report in an hurry and dropped it.

"You are in an hurry?" Nurse Mayo asked.

"Not really" Ewatomi replied.

"You seem to be in an hurry" Nurse Mayo said with a smile as Ewatomi checked her wristwatch. It was already past 4pm.

That meant the match would be starting in a few minutes. The bleachers would be full and she would have to seat at the back. If she cheered from the back, how will he see her?

Ewatomi's mood dropped a bit at this thought as she carried her school bag.

"Is there something wrong?" Nurse Mayo asked with a concerned look and Ewatomi smiled a little.

"No worries. Have a nice weekend" Ewatomi replied as she walked out of the clinic.

She tried to walk very fast and when she felt she was still slow, Ewatomi suddenly burst into a race. She ran towards the field and like she guessed the bleachers were full and people were carrying different banners.

Ewatomi sighed as she looked around looking for where to seat down. She spotted Kunle and ran towards him.

"Snr Kunle!" Ewatomi called out and Kunle turned to her. His eyes expressed his surprise.

"What are you doing here?" Kunle asked and Ewatomi smiled widely.

"To cheer Snr Luke up" Ewatomi replied honestly.

"Do you have a seat already?" Kunle asked and Ewatomi shook her head.

"No, I'm coming from the clinic. I just finished my rounds" Ewatomi replied and Kunle chuckled.

"Follow me" Kunle said as he started walking down the bleachers.

Ewatomi held her school bag tighter as she followed Kunle. She wasn't a bit surprised to see that Kunle was seated in the first seat.

He sat down and she sat down beside him. Her eyes scanned the field looking for Luke. She soon found him talking with the other players.

They made a chant as they started arranging them on the field. Luke looked somehow thinner in the ash jersey with P. I. S written in front. He had an ash band on his hand and with the evening sun highlighting his features, one found it hard to take their eyes off him.

Kunle whistled and Luke snapped his head towards him. Ewatomi watched him as he raised an eyebrow and she smiled while waving at him.

The referee blew the whistle and the match started with loud cheerings and hailing of names, Luke being the loudest.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: PERFECT BAD BOYWhere stories live. Discover now