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Luke munched on his gala slowly as his eyes naarowed. He could see Kunle talking to Fikayo and after looking around and not seeing Ewatomi in sight, he frowned slightly.

"Luke" Shade called and Luke turned to her with his usual blank face.

"Huh?" Luke asked.

"I have something to tell you" Shade said in a small voice.

"Go on, I'm listening" Luke said and Shade shook her head.

"Let's go outside" Shade said as she stood up and walked outside.

Luke raised an eyebrow before grabbing his drink and following Shade outside the cafeteria. He met her waiting outside and while his right hand held his drink, he slipped the other into his pockets as they both walked sideways towards the hostel area.

Both of them didn't say anything as they walked, the sun was high up in the sky casting their shadows on the empty  tarred road.

Shade had never felt so anxious in her life. Her palsm were sweaty and even if the sun was in the sky; it wasn't hot yet she could feel the beads of sweat on her forehead.

"You wanted to say something" Luke said and Shade drew a breath as she stopped and turned to Luke who also stopped and turned to her.

"I've been wanting to say this for a while but things just happened and all. Luke" Shade called again as she fixed her eyes on his handsome face.

The latter also seemed to be staring at her before she wasn't reflected in his eyes at all.

"I like you" Shade said as she chewed on her lower life.

"I've liked you for a very long time" Shade said and Luke nodded as he uncovered his drink and took a sip.

"I didn't see Ewatomi in the cafeteria today, do you know why she wasn't there?" Luke asked as Shade froze.

"Huh?" Shade asked as Luke chuckled.

"Shade, what do you take me as? A fool?" Luke asked as Shade shook her head vigorously.

"No. I never took you as a fool. How can I take someone I like as a fool?" Shade asked and Luke nodded.

"If you are gonna like someone, you should at least know what the person likes and what he doesn't. Shade, what do I hate the most?" Luke asked as Shade swallowed her saliva as tears welled up in her eyes.

"You hate liars the most" Shade said slowly.

"And hypocrites" Luke added as Shade glanced at her feet.

"I don't like you" Luke said as he turned to walk away when Shade grabbed him her eyes teary.

"If you didn't like me, why did you keep me by your side all this while?" Shade asked as Luke raised an eyebrow before slapping Shade's hands off his arm before dusting his arm.

"Let's clarify something. I didn't keep you by my side, you chose to stay. You" Luke replied as he pointed to Shade.

"Chose to stay. Do you think I didn't know about what you did to Zainab and the rest?" Luke asked as Shade's face paled.

She did have an idea that Luke might have known or heard that she had been going around threatening the girls who liked Luke and had tried to get close to him. Luke never said anything so she had assumed that he just didn't know.

"That's what you did to Ewatomi isn't it? Threatening her? Do you realize how much that shows that you are a coward? A very big one" Luke said as he rubbed his forehead.

"I hate hyprocites. Which is just who you are so why did you think I haven't disposed of you all these while? Because even though I knew; you never showed me that side of yours. I took you as a friend and you were my friend" Luke added as he shrugged.

"But you should know your limits Shade. You really should" Luke said as Shade nodded as she grabbed him again.

"I know I fucked up. I know, I know. Just give me one more chance, I really like you Luke. I love you, I just need you to accept me. That's all. I'll change, I promise that I'll change" Shade said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Get the fuck!" Luke spat as he wriggled his hand out of Shade's grip.

"Shade, stop acting like an obsessed maniac. The reason why you are you standing there after threatening Ewatomi is because we were once friends. If I touch me once more, I really don't know what I'll do" Luke said as he rubbed his forehead.

"And stay the fuck away from me" Luke added as he walked away.

He rubbed the back of his neck as he threw his drink up and kicked it. The drink landed in the nearby busy and Luke sighed as he made his way towards the SSS2 block.

He had long known Shade liked him. Even a blind person could see it. Everyone knew so how could he not know?

She could be sweet and nice, adorable and kind but at the same time could be a daredevil. The first time rumours started flying that they were in a relationship, he really didn't mind but seeing the way Shade was happy and all; he didn't know he got irritated and asked her to clear the rumours.

They were friends. Plain good friends. Shade was brilliant and intelligent. While people thought she easily blended in with them; she never did blend in with them as Kunle never actually like her and like him; they just both tolerated her.

He was actually curious about the day Shade would come clean and all but he didn't know it would end up this way. He had already told himself that he wasn't going to embarrass her and be cool with it but then Shade just had to fuck up.

Things had been settled and he had a better breathing space now. He jogged up the staircase that led to Ewatomi's class as the SSS2 students looked at him in surprise while subconsciously making way for him.

So, is it just me that feels weird??

I don't know when or how many chapters PBB has left but before this month ends, we should finish it.

I don't still know how to end the book, any suggestions??

BEING A TEEN SERIES: PERFECT BAD BOYWhere stories live. Discover now