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Ewatomi turned to Matthew as soon as she got to the gate of her house.

"Thanks Matthew" Ewatomi said forcing a small smile.

"Its okay. Take care of yourself" Matthew said as Ewatomi nodded and stepped into the house.

Matthew's calm face disappeared the moment Ewatomi closed the gate behind her. He was seething with anger as he turned and barged towards the road.

He was going to give the bastard a good beating. Throughout the walk to Ewatomi's house, she barely said two words to him. She spaced out a lot and seemed deep in thoughts.

Matthew needed no one to tell him that Ewatomi was thinking about Luke. He had tried miserably to mask his hideous face while they walked. Now that Ewatomi was safe, he had to deal well with Luke.

Ewatomi greeted her mom solemnly as she walked up the stairs to her room. She dropped her bag and sat on the bed while pursing her lips. She had indulged herself in a fantasy and had sunk a lot into it.

To become someone special to Luke was a feat she could never achieve. She grabbed her phone from the table and dialed Luke's number. The phone rang without anyone picking it. She dialed it the second time and no one picked it.

People say courtesy demand you call someone once or twice and spam calling someone was unacceptable but Ewatomi found herself calling Luke's number repeatedly yet no one picked it.

She dropped the phone and curled up on her bed not bothering to remove her uniform or shoes. She closed her eyes and a small tear slid down her cheek.
Matthew walked down a lonely path hurriedly, anger evident on his face. It was dark yet he walked along the path as if he had walked there a lot of times.

He finally came to a clearing before reaching an uncompleted building. He smiled and snickered before walking inside.

Luke was only a local tyrant who just harassed the students because he was very handsome and intelligent. He might actually know some fighting skills but Matthew knew that he was no match for university cultists. That was what he thought.

Matthew's cousin happened to be a cultist in school and somehow he had found out and helped him keep it a secret. They had met and he had asked him to kidnap Luke and threaten him to leave Ewatomi alone.

Matthew smiled as he brought out his phone to take embarrassing photos of Luke to post. It was high time he pushed him off that mighty throne he always sat down and looked at others like peasants.

"Brother David..... " Matthew barely finished his sentence when he froze.

Luke was seating comfortably in one of the arm chairs while about six bulky boys knelt in front of him with their hands raised.

"You are here" Luke drawled as he turned to Matthew.

"Join them" Luke said and Matthew felt chills all his body. Fear gripped him immediately and something told him that he had not only messed with the wrong person but also was in deep shit.

He dropped his bag and quickly knelt down beside his cousin who glared hatefully at him. Matthew quickly lowered his eyes unable to meet his cousin's eyes.

"I must admit, you are very daring. Kidnapping your senior and threatening him? Nice plan" Luke said as he picked a book and smacked it on Matthew's head.

"The idiots you hired as well" Luke said as he smacked each of them with the heavy Chemistry textbook giving Matthew more than two smacks.

"You've put me in a spot and now I'm in a bad mood"Luke said and he rubbed his forehead.

"What should I do with you people?" Luke asked.

"We are sorry. It won't happen again" one of them blurted out as Luke nodded while smacking all of them on the heads with the textbook again.

"I'll let you go just because I feel like. Matthew, you are cleaning the toilets for the rest of the term" Luke said as Matthew's eyes widened.

"The whole toilets in PICA my dear so if your eyes are gonna widen, you can just pop them out" Luke added as he stood up and smacked Matthew on the head twice as he strolled away.

David stood up as soon as Luke was out of sight and kicked him mercilessly. Matthew winced and rubbed his waist in pain as David glared angrily at him.

"You said he didn't have any skills. You said he was a local tyrant who had a fine face. You don't even know how skilled he is. Look at my face!" David screamed as Matthew took a better look at his faces before checking others.

They looked battered as if someone had beaten them without mercy. Matthew froze as he stammered.

"Snr..... Luke...... was.... the...... one..... who beat you guys?" Matthew asked as David made to kick him again but Matthew swiftly dodged it.

"Shut up!" He yelled as he hissed.

"Get out!"

"Get out and don't ever let me see your face again. Idiot!" David yelled as Matthew reached for his school bag. Despite the pounding in his head from Luke's textbook smacks and the kick he received from David, he reached for his bag and grabbed it before he ran out of the building rubbing his head. Those snacks weren't funny at all. 

Luke sighed as he walked into his room and dropped his bag on the table and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. He walked towards his phone that was on the table and hjs eyes widened.

Seeing over thirty missed calls from Ewatomi had snapped Luke back to remembrance. He dialed the number back but no one picked.

He dialed the number again sparing cursed and insluts upon Matthew and his cousin as he pressed his phone towards his ears again and no one picked it.

A kind of feeling that Luke hadn't felt in a while crept into his him as he dialed Ewatomi's number again as he rubbed his forehead but she didn't pick the call either.

"Damn it!"

BEING A TEEN SERIES: PERFECT BAD BOYWhere stories live. Discover now