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This chapter is dedicated to IFEDAYO.... Congratulations sweetie.
Luke watched as Kunle got into the car. Kunle might not be dangerously georgous like Luke but in his own way; was someone who you would take double takes at if you came across him.

Kunle was wearing long brown trousers and a pink shirt which was slightly tucked in. His hair was neatly combed to the back and his eyes seemed to hold complex emotions.

Luke was dressed almost the same way. He wore jeans trousers with a black shirt halfly tucked in; the first three unbuttons unbuttoned giving him a sexy look.

"You look good" Luke said and Kunle chuckled.

"You say that everytime" Kunle replied as the driver started driving.

"Here" Luke said passing a brown envelope to Kunle.

Kunle opened the brown envelope without a word. He examined the contents with patience.

"She's a secretary to one of the directors your dad's company is collaborating with. She has two siblings and what's funny is that, one of them actually attends our school. A JSS2 student" Luke said as Kunle raised the papers.

"She's getting close to your dad in purpose. Your mom had about 46% shares of your dad's company. It they divorce; your dad will have to give her extra 5% shares" Luke started.

"Her boss, or rather the company, IOE, plans to approach your mom in another way probably as an upcoming company and buy her shares. They would have equal rights in the company" Luke said as he turned to Kunle.

He didn't have to say anything more. Kunle understood everything. Having parents who ran their own companies which was he going to inherit had made him read a lot of business books, take classes and all even though he was a science student.

He of course understood what the company wanted to achieve.

"So just to get my dad's company, they wouldn't mind destroying my home?" Kunle asked his eyes narrowing.

"The business world is cruel Kunle" Luke said and Kunle nodded.

"Where is she?" He asked.
The driver drove into an high end restaurant and Kunle and Luke got down. Kunle carried the brown paper as they stepped into the restaurant.

The waitress frowned a little upon seeing two rather handsome teenage boys entering. She walked up to them immediately and opened her mouth to talk.

Luke raised up a card with the restaurant's name imprinted on it and the waitress eyes widened before she tried to keep her calm.

It was a freaking VIP card.

"I... " she started as Luke turned to her.

"I'll compensate" Luke said as he started walking towards some young ladies eating and laughing together leaving the waitress confused.

"Miss Adanma Eze?" Kunle asked as both of them turned to him.

"Yes, and you are?" One of the replied.

"Eeee..... Ada, you are even popular among teen boys" one of the girls cooed and Ada smiled widely.

"How may I help you?" Ada asked as Kunle sat down with a smile. Her eyes were glued to Luke who sat down lazily and was scanning the  restaurant.

"Your parents have being married for about thirty years I guess" Kunle said and Ada frowned.

"What do you mean?" Ada asked as all the girls turned to Kunle curious.

"Do you believe I can send a lady or a man to either your mom or dad to destroy their lovely marriage? It might take a long time but the greater you work, the greater the achievement" Kunle replied as Ada banged the table furiously.

"How dare you? Who allowed you in here anyways?" Ada bellowed.

"You seem furious. Why are you going out with a man who you know is married and with kids?" Kunle asked angrily as he flung some pictures on the table.

Ada looked over the pictures and folded her hands. Her friends grabbed the pictures and they looked at Kunle.

"Isn't this your boyfriend?" One of them asked.

"You were stalking me?" Ada asked and Kunle chuckled.

"IOE has really big dreams yunno. Trying to take my dad's company!" Kunle bellowed as he flung another set of papers on the table.

Shock fitted across Ada's face as she grabbed the papers and checked it. Horror spread through her face as she turned to Kunle.

"He's your dad?" She asked, her voice quivering.

"So?" Kunle asked.

"How did you find all these? Does your dad know?" Ada asked anxiously and anger brewed within Kunle.

Luke banged the table sending everything flying as he turned to Ada.

"You have 24 hours to call his dad and confess everything" Luke said.

"No! I can't! What can you do about it anyways?" Ada bellowed as she grabbed a lighter and placed it on the papers.

"Now they are gone" Ada said with a sinister smile.

Luke chuckled as he brought out his phone and showed a video to Ada.

"That's your younger sister bah?" Luke asked as Ada's eyes widened and she shot out of her seat.

Luke showed her another video showing her IOE board of directors having a meeting and Ada looked at him in horror.

"You! " she bellowed as Luke slipped his phone back into his pockets.

"I could ruin IOE if I wanted to but I'm sincerely not that bored" Luke said as he stood up.

"You have 24 hours" Luke said as he tapped Kunle's shoulde.

Luke strolled towards the waitress and gave her the VIP card.

"All losses is on the account" he said and walked out.

Kunle sighed as he closed the door, "Why is he going out with someone so stupid?" Kunle asked with a small frown as he turned to Luke.

"Thank you very much" Kunle said with a smile and Luke chuckled.

"I just felt goosebumps" Luke said in reply and Kunle laughed and he playfully punched Luke on the shoulder.

"Drop me off at my mom's office" Kunle said and Luke nodded.

"You want to show her already?" Luke asked and Kunle grinned.

"Since you are too lazy to deal with them; I'll deal with them myself" Kunle replied with a smile that didn't look like a smile.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: PERFECT BAD BOYWhere stories live. Discover now