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Ewatomi could barely contain herself for the rest of the classes. Fayoke could sense excitement but their teachers seemed dedicated to teaching them that day as one left, another was entering so there was no chance for them to talk.

Ewatomi heaved a sigh of relief as the last teacher left the class. Fayoke hurried to her seat immediately.

"Where did you and Snr Luke go? I was still explaining the situation to Snr Kunle when he and Snr Shade left the cafeteria. When I came back, I heard Snr Luke took you away" Fayoke said as Ewatomi laughed.

"He already figured it out, so he came to apologise on behalf of Snr Shade" Ewatomi replied as Fayoke's eyes widened.

"He apologised?" Fayoke asked and Ewatomi nodded her head.

"He did" Ewatomi replied as Fayoke chuckled.

"Wow!  Snr Luke is..... " Fayoke said unable to finish her statement.

"So where did you guys go?" Fayoke asked.

"He took me to Spice City" Ewatomi replied her voice with a tinge of pride.

"Madd ohh" Fayoke said as she laughed.

"He's really cool bah?" Fayoke asked and Ewatomi nodded.

"Really cool" Ewatomi replied as she closed her locker and packed her school bag.

"Wait for me, let me pack my bag o" Fayoke said as she hurried to her seat to pack her things.

"Ewatomi" someone called and Ewatomi turned to see Matthew.

"Hey, what's up?" Ewatomi asked.

"Can we talk for a moment?" Matthew asked and Ewatomi nodded as she followed Matthew to a side.

"You look serious, what is this about?" Ewatomi asked as her face turned serious as well.

"Its about Snr Luke" Matthew said as Ewatomi pursed her lips.

"What about him?" Ewatomi asked as Matthew sighed.

"You have to stay away from him Tomi. I'm saying this not as someone who likes you but as a friend. He's dangerous" Matthew replied with an anxious look in his eyes.

"Do you even know what makes him more dangerous? Because no one really knows how dangerous he is" Matthew added as he sighed.

"Just stay away from him okay, he's not for you" Matthew added as Ewatomi chuckled.

"Thanks for your advice Matthew but I'm not going to be following that. Snr Luke might be very dangerous, I know he is but I seriously want to know him more" Ewatomi said as Matthews face morphed into an unpleasant one.

"You keep saying he's dangerous but you don't know that he's thoughtful, very thoughtful. He's easily notices things about other people, he's caring. And once he decides to protect this person; he goes all out for it" Ewatomi added as she smiled.

"Besides, I really can't resist the temptation of an handsome guy. Sorry Matt, go fuck your advice. I don't care if he's dangerous or not. He will protect me" Ewatomi said as she walked away with Fayoke.

"What were you guys talking about?" Fayoke asked and Ewatomi shook her head.

"Nothing much" Ewatomi replied as she walked out of the class.

Matthew rubbed his forehead as he stared at Ewatomi's retreating figure before swallowing his saliva.

Whether she liked it or not, she was going to end up with him. If he couldn't deal with Ewatomi, he could always deal with Luke. He sneered inwardly, he was going to deal with that local tyrant.


"You actually went to Spice City" Kunle said as Luke turned to him.

"Who told you?" Luke asked as Kunle shrugged.

"Someone mentioned seeing you there on Oxford's Student Forum" Kunle replied and Luke raised an eyebrow.

"You took Ewatomi to eat?" Kunle asked and Luke nodded.

"You never agreed each time I asked us to go there. I am very pained" Kunle said as Luke turned to him with a small smile.

"Very pained?" Luke asked as Kunle pouted.

"Of course. You burst my bubble, do you know how many times I asked to go with me? At least four times and you turned me down. Yet you voluntarily took her, so unfair" Kunle replied as Luke slipped his hands into his pockets.

"Let's go tomorrow" Luke said as Kunle chuckled.

"Tomorrow is Thursday my guy, practicals sweetie" Kunle said as he adjusted the hold of his tie on his neck.

"I'll go with you next time" Luke said as Kunle nodded.


Thursdays were general practical days for SSS3 science classes. The classes were always mixed whileghe students divided themselves into groups and finish the classwork the teacher gives.

While most groups were made up of six, five, seven and some groups eight students, Luke's group had four. Luke, Kunle, Bolaji and Eunice.

Eunice was also one of the few people who could talk freely to Luke. They had attended the same church. Although they weren't close; she and Luke had a good relationship.

Eunice adjusted her eye googles as she stared at the glass through the microscope.

"Bacteria" she said as she sat down and rubbed her forehead.

Everyone in the lab was wearing a white coat to cover their uniforms, hair net, hand gloves and nose masks.

Luke twirled the pen in his hands as he checked his Biology workbook. He hummed a song silently as the rest turned to him.

"That's Selena. I didn't know you were her fan" Eunice said as Luke glanced at her without saying anything.

"The third specimen, we are still not sure if its fungi or bacteria" Bolaji said as he pursed his lips.

"I wanted to finish my song before answering you. Her Rare Album is cool" Luke said as he pulled the microscope towards himself.

"Specimen C is a plant" Luke said as Bolaji furrowed his eyebrows.

"Plant?" Bolaji asked as Luke nodded.

"Yup" Luke said as Kunle yawned.

"That's all right? Please let's submit and go to the Physics lab already. That's where we have work" Kunle said as the four of them stood up and dropped their workbooks in front of the teacher.

Although the other students looked at them in awe and not surprise exactly. The respect a d admiration was unconcealable. Yet none of them dared to move closer to them and ask them questions.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: PERFECT BAD BOYWhere stories live. Discover now