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"You are welcome" Ewatomi said with a small smile. Luke didn't say anything as he comfortably are his snacks.

He dusted his hands and used his handkerchief to dust away the crumbs of the hamburger that must have fallen on his uniform.

"You are a neat freak as they say" Ewatomi muttered and Luke turned to her.

"A neat freak?" He asked with raised eyebrows and Ewatomi nodded as Luke chuckled.

"I think it's cool anyways" Ewatomi added and Luke chuckled again.

"Tests are starting on Wednesday, you ready?" He asked and Ewatomi nodded.

"Of course. I started reading the recent topics over the weekend. I even wanted to call you and thank you but I discovered I didn't have your number" Ewatomi said and Luke laughed lightly.

"There's no need" he said as Ewatomi pursed her lips.

"I have some problems with some topics in Physics and Maths. I was wondering if you could help" Ewatomi said as Luke turned to her a small smile on his lips.

"You don't like Maths and Physics?" He asked and Ewatomi wore a surprised look.

"How did you know?" She asked and Luke shrugged.

Another reason why Luke was feared and respected in the school was for his brains. Luke was Archimedes on another whole level. His results were always decorated with As'.

He never came second in any competition. A lot of school gave the trophy up the moment they saw Luke, some even admitted defeat on the spot.

He was intelligent, smart, brilliant, and every kind of adjective that can be used to describe his brains. The only part was his mood. Luke once refused to attend a competition because someone disrupted his sleep.

They ended up loosing the competition. Another time, he had already told the school he wasn't going to participate in a competition, so the school prepared some other intelligent students.

On D-Day, Luke suddenly appeared in school and said he wanted to go. He went and bashed every single school that was present for the competition.

Almost everyone in the whole state knew him. You might have never seen him but you must have definitely heard his name.

"I don't like it" Ewatomi confessed as she scrunched up her nose.

"Besides, I don't like the two teachers teaching us the subject" Ewatomi said and Luke laughed.

"Mr Tijani is the one teaching you Maths?" Luke asked and Ewatomi nodded.

"Yes. All he does is write some question on the board and ask Lillian or Kelvin to solve it" Ewatomi replied with a frown.

"Why don't you like Mrs Aribade?, she's good" Luke said as Ewatomi sighed.

"She's really good at teaching but she doesn't like me or Fikayo. She's always picking on us during class" Ewatomi said and Luke laughed making Ewatomi stare at him with a a dazed look.

"What did you do to her that would make her pick on you and Fikayo? Besides is she picks on you, you can just pick on her as well" Luke said as Ewatomi blinked her eyes at him.

"You went to the garden?" Kunle asked as Luke sat down.

"Hmmmm" Luke replied as Kunle glanced at him.

"You are already bah?" He asked and Luke winked at him.

"I actually saw her carrying a paper bag and looking around the cafeteria" Kunle said with a small smile and Luke nodded.

"She's surprisingly considerate. Seems like she's no longer scared of me" Luke said and Kunle shrugged.

"You didn't make yourself scary towards her in the first place" Kunle said as he tapped his table.

"I give up" Kunle added and Luke nodded with raised eyebrows.

"What did she do?" Luke asked.

"I offered to pay for her snacks and guess what?" Kunle asked as a smile wore its way to Luke's face.

"She asked you to buy for all her friends?" He asked and Kunle nodded.

Luke burst into laughter startling everyone in the class and they looked at him in surprise. If Luke could laugh like this in class, he meant he was in a very good mood.

"As if that was not enough, she had me buy for her school daughter and her friends" Kunle added with a small smile that instantly turned him into an attractive guy.

"Like, this is so hilarious" Luke said and Kunle laughed shaking his head. He obviously knew that it wasn't just what he said that that was making Luke laugh, he was really happy.

"Wait, you haven't asked her to be your bride, she's already making you buy houses and clothes for her parents, sisters and cousins" Luke joked and Kunle couldn't help but burst into laughter as well.

"I feel good" Luke said again his eyes bright and Kunle nodded.

"I know" Kunle said as Luke sighed.

"I'm carving chicken barbecue" Luke said and Kunle raised his eyebrow.

"Should we visit the polutry?" Luke asked and Kunle laughed.

"Come to think of it, it's been a while you went to see Principal Micheals office" Kunle said and Luke laughed.

"Dude, he's your uncle" Luke said laughing lightly again.

Kunle gave him a blank look immediately "He's also the principal" Kunle replied and Luke bent over the desk laughing heartily.

"I think I understand why you are my best friend" Luke said between muffled laughter and Kunle shook his head.

"Better shut up" Kunle said as he brought out a textbook from his locker.

"I'm coaching her after school" Luke said and Kunle looked at him in surprise.

"She's gonna run away at this pace" Kunle said and laughed.

"What do you mean? I'm not even doing anything, she's the one who keeps running to me" Luke said and Kunle laughed at Luke as he tried to explain himself.

"She asked you to?" Kunle asked and Luke nodded.

"You underestimated something" Luke said with Kunle with a smile and Kunle chuckled.

"What did I underestimate?" He asked and Luke said.

"This" Luke replied pointing to his face "This is irresistible" Luke added and Kunle burst into laughter while Luke wore a smile.

"You can't resist it either so don't give me that look" Luke said and Kunle nodded as he smiled at Luke.

"Thank you for your help. My family is back again, this time; the bond is stronger. Thank you Luke" Kunle said and Luke winced.

"I've got goosebumps"

BEING A TEEN SERIES: PERFECT BAD BOYWhere stories live. Discover now