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Ewatomi followed behind Luke as they walked out of the garden. She couldn't help but glance at their entwined hands.

The bell for break over was clearly heard in the whole school but they both kept moving towards the school gate.

"Aren't we going to get a permit? I just have to ask from Senior Lewa" Ewatomi said as Luke turned to her chuckling.

"What's the fun in that?" Luke asked as Ewatomi stared at him surprised.

"What do you want to do?" Ewatomi asked while Luke shrugged.

"I don't know yet" Luke said as he glanced at the fence of the school and chuckled.

He stopped as they got to the fence. Ewatomi turned to him immediately.

"Don't tell me you want to fly the fence?" Ewatomi asked as Luke turned and grinned at her; before she could say anything,  she felt her feet been lifted off the ground as she gave a loud yelp.

By the time she opened her eyes, they were already outside the school. Luke dropped her carefully as he sneered at her.

"You are such a scaredy cat" Luke taunted and Ewatomi pouted.

"You didn't say anything and just carried me" Ewatomi said in a small voice as Luke chuckled.

"Let's go" Luke said as he started walking away. Ewatomi stared at his receding figure with a smile. It was a moment but the feeling on Luke's hands on her lingered. She could even smell a very faint scent of Luke's perfume on her.

Luke suddenly turned to Ewatomi with his lower lip raised slightly.

"You'll get a better view if you are nearer" Luke said as Ewatomi turned red with embarrassment but she still hurried towards Luke.

Spice City was a popular restaurant in Akure. Famous for not just its delicious food but exquisite treatment and beautiful interior. Since it was situated in the middle of four big secondary schools, it was more popular with students.

Students celebrated birthday parties, ask outs and a lot of students activities took place in Spice City. Nothing abnormal could ever happen in the Spice City, everything abnormal had already happened before.

But two students, both dressed in the same uniform, one with a delicate face and her braids been tied up high highlighting her head pretty face and the other; the total demon.

The security eyes showed surprise as Ewatomi and Luke approached. He opened the door for them as the two stepped inside. As usual, Luke attracted attention the moment he entered.

As he was popular, murmurings arose in the huge restaurant  that was filled with students and fee adults.

"That's Adele-Akinniyi Luke"

The almost same statement drifted into the ears of both Ewatomi and Luke. And while Ewatomi looked a little flustered with the eyes on her; Luke looked relaxed and normal, no flunctations on his blank face.

He leaned on the tiled counter as he turned to Ewatomi.

"Order whatever you want" Luke said as the woman stared at him with wide eyes. Looking at the way the students were staring and looking at him, she already figured a few things out.

"You seem very popular around here but I don't think I have seen you before" the woman said and Luke turned to her.

"That's normal" Luke replied and the woman looked perplexed at her reply.

"Fried rice and chicken" Ewatomi said to the other woman who nodded and grabbed a disposable plate.

"You don't like salad?" Luke asked and Ewatomi nodded.

"How did you know?" Ewatomi asked surprise in both her voice and eyes.

"Salad goes the best with fried rice. Every body takes it that way" Luke replied as Ewatomi smiled. She of course knew Luke was smart, there was even a time rumour had had it had his IQ was over 150.

The tray of food was dropped in front of Ewatomi as she turned to Luke.

"You aren't eating?" She asked as Luke shook his head.

"I brought you to eat and besides I'm not hungry" Luke replied as he dipped his hand into his back pocket and brought out his wallet.

"A bottle of water" Luke said as he brought out his ATM card.

The eyes on them didn't cease and even seemed to increase as Ewatomi sat down to eat. Luke took a sip of his water from time to time as he looked around.

"Why did you reject the prefect post? It was the Senior Prefect position" Ewatomi asked as Luke folded his arms.

"I hate the feeling of been bound. And been a prefect means I'm bound to the school rules and regulations and besides I'll feel less guilty while breaking the school rules. Like flying over the fence" Luke replied as Ewatomi stared in at in surprise before she burst into laughter.

Luke rejected the prefect position so that he would feel less guilty while breaking school rules. Ewatomi had never heard such a thing in her life before. But remembering that it was Luke she was talking to, she just laughed.

"Bolaji is doing a good job isn't he?" Luke asked and Ewatomi nodded.

"He's doing great. Very nice" Ewatomi said as she coughed slightly and Luke offered his bottle water to her. Ewatomi looked at Luke in surprise before taking small gulps.

Luke watched as Ewatomi finish her food and wipe her mouth. They both stood up and exited the restaurant.

"Are we flying the fence again?" Ewatomi asked her eyes twinkling. She desperately wanted them to fly over the fence. She desperately wanted Luke to carry her again.

"You just ate. You might throw up" Luke replied and seeing the way her mood dampened, he chuckled.

"Ohh" Ewatomi said as they walked towards the school gate. She suddenly felt her feet off the ground again and she turned swiftly to glance at Luke who dropped her almost immediately.

"The fence is quite high. Carrying someone and still flying with dexterity. That's amazing" Ewatomi said as Luke slid his hands into his pockets and shrugged.

BEING A TEEN SERIES: PERFECT BAD BOYWhere stories live. Discover now