Chapter 10: Fight Your Inner Demons

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A/N Here's chapter 10 ya'll! I don't own Percy Jackson. It is owned by Rick Riordan. I don't also owned Bleach, Naruto, and the other anime I reference. They are owned by Tite Kubo, Masashi Kishimoto, and their respective owners. I'm not saying I'm crossing over Percy Jackson with Bleach and/or Naruto by mentioning them when I could just include them in anime. I just like them more.

I think you all know the bleach part is a lie by this point. Not sure about the Naruto part tho~~ There may be an extra something something from the Naruto verse~ *Wink* *Wink*



"Powerful beings speaking"

Yes Arashi is Japanese if you couldn't tell. Well, half Japanese. I'll let you guess the other half.



Arashi was about halfway back to Camp Halfblood, when he remembered something pretty important.

'FUCK, THE HAPPY MEAL!' Arashi cursed in his head.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm trying to sleep." Jikantōketsu complained. He was trying to get some shut eye while Arashi went to McDonald's, and he was kinda annoyed.


"You better be"

So Arashi stopped moving, turned back and sped back to get his paid happy meals for The son of Hades. He arrived a few minutes later in the same alley he appeared in the last chapter. But unlike last episode, there's a homeless guy sitting on a trashcan in the alley. When he appeared before the homeless guy's eyes, the dude couldn't stop staring at Arashi. The demigod took notice and smirked.

"I know I'm hot, but it's rude to stare you know." Arashi teased the homeless guy. "Plus you're probably too old for me, you pedo."

The man just continued to stare at Arashi, ignoring him. Arashi just sighed and walked towards the McDonald's. When he arrived, he saw that there were many police officers in the restaurant with yellow tape around a pool of blood. 

"What happened here?" Arashi acted surprised.

"A group of robbers tried to rob the place, a-" A police officer started but got interrupted.

"A group of robbers tried to rob a Mcdonald's?" Arashi asked.


"Huh" Arashi said. "And how did a pool of blood get here?"

"We're still trying to find that out." The police sighed. "All we know was that there was an uninjured robber lying in it."

Arashi nodded and went to get his Happy Meal®. When he grabbed it, he felt a disturbance in the force.

'Did you feel that Jikantōketsu?' Arashi thought.

"Yes, Arashi." Jikantōketsu said. "It felt evil, and corrupted."

'Guess we should go check it out.' Arashi, and walked to a deserted area without any prying eyes, and shunpo'd away towards the source of the corrupted energy.


When he finally arrived at the source of the evil energy, he saw something that he wasn't sure if he should be excited or afraid of. The thing was furry and its fur was entirely black. It looks to be the same kind of monsters he encountered on the day before he arrived at camp. Although there was a slight different in its appearance. Unlike the one that he killed, this mutt had a bone white mask on its head, and a fucking hole in its chest. The beast seemed to be eating a dead hellhound. It's weird that the monster haven't disintegrate yet.

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