Chapter 15: Arashi gets another powerup

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A/N Heyo! Chapter 15 is out y'all. I don't own Percy Jackson. It is owned by Rick Riordan. I don't also owned Bleach, Naruto, and the other anime I reference. They are owned by Tite Kubo, Masashi Kishimoto, and their respective owners. I'm not saying I'm crossing over Percy Jackson with Bleach and/or Naruto by mentioning them when I could just include them in anime. I just like them more. I think you all know the bleach part is a lie by this point. Not sure about the Naruto part tho~~ There may be an extra something something from the Naruto verse~



"Powerful beings speaking"

Yes Arashi is Japanese if you couldn't tell. Well, half japanese. I'll let you guess the other half.



Arashi quickly got up from the ground and began dodging the assaults of tridents again. 

'That was close.' Arashi thought. 'Can't be that careless again. Don't know If whatever that thing will come back to deflect the tridents'

Right after he finished his thought, he tripped. Again

'Huh?' Arashi cursed himself internally as he began to fall again. 'God fucking damning, I jinxed myself didn't I?'

Another trident came flying at him with a sonic boom and just like last time, something came out of nowhere and intercepted it. 

'Huh' Arashi thought as he sat on the ground. 'Does it protect me from everything?'

Another trident came flying at him, which also got blocked by something. Then two tridents came flying at him. One got blocked, while the other one was able to pass through. Fortunately, Arashi was able to lept to the side in time. 

'So whatever that was can only block one thing at a time.' Arashi mused. 'Good to know'

Arashi then began to advanced towards Cain. He was able to dodge most of the tridents thrown at him, while the rest were blocked by the thing. When he was within slashing range of Cain, he began to attack with his zanpakuto. Cain was unfazed by the assault and swung his trident at Arashi. The demigod did a backflipped to dodge and landed a few metres away. 

"That was a close one" Arashi said and smirked. "Time to get serious"

He hold his sword to the side and yelled. "Come forth, and take command of the sands of time, Jikantōketsu!"

His sword quickly turned into golden sand as it began to whirled around himself, encasing in a sand hurricane. The dirt and dust around him got picked up by the wind made by the hurricane and created a smoke screen around him when the sand hurricane subsided and dispersed into the air. Arashi then stuck his sword out of the smoke and slash to the side, blowing away most of the smoke, revealing himself holding the shikai form of his sword in his hand. 

Arashi said nothing, and quickly disappeared from Cain's line of sight with a whooshing sound. Cain looked around and aimlessly threw his Trident randomly, but none of them hit the target because he's a fucking stormtrooper incarnate. Suddenly Cain felt pain on his left vein as his left arm was cut. 

Cain gave a roar and swung his trident at Arashi, who was able to dodge to the side and sliced his arm. Cain swung his trident again but angrier. Arashi just somersaulted over the arm while using said arm as a leverage, before kicking Cain in the face. The berserker staggered backwards a bit from the force of the kick, but was able to balance himself. 

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