Part 10..

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Sero's POV:

Damn this bathroom line is super long...Hmm?

"Yeah, they know how to dance. I would honestly date them."

"Oh, the person with the gold dress right?"

"Yeah..look at the way their hips move..."

"I'd be careful if I were you."

"Huh? Hơw come?"

"I heard they're heartbreakers. I wouldn't mess with them."

"Is that so? Well shit, they can break my heart any day."

"Yeah. One of my friends dated them and he crawled back to them. What a fucking simp. Like since when does my friend actually want to settle down? He's always fucking around."

"No fucking way. Dead ass? Damn, they really hold some power huh? They are attractive though."

"Yeah, he hasn't been the same ever since...but that friend of mine would never shut up about them. He said that they were unique or some shit like that. I also heard they graduated with the top grades in school."

Well, that was weird. Y/n being a heartbreaker? Damn, I should watch myself, I don't think my heart can handle another heartbreak...the last relationship got me really messed up. But damn Y/n can really dance, they weren't lying. Wow...they look stunning on the dance floor...the way their dress outshined everyone else's is so beautiful. It wouldn't hurt to have one dance with them...but how do I ask them? Oh hey, shorty dance with that sounds stupid. 

Maybe talk to them in Spanish? Nah, that's too cliché. Maybe I should just introduce myself and ask them for a dance...? Yeah, yeah. That sounds good because if they don't recognize me they won't be shaken up. Yeah...that sounds better. Why am I giving it so much thought? It's just asking someone really attractive wearing a beautiful dress that makes them stand out and blushes when I call them Mariposa to dance with me...Wow, they already have an impact on me. 

Does this make me a simp..? No, I'm not giving them money for them to notice me or to say my name. Definitely not a simp, nope. Agh, finally the line is moving. Well, meanwhile I should take a look at Y/n's social media. Oh...Wow, those are some very nice pictures...let me zoom in just a little...Shit! I liked their post...UNLIKE UNLIKE ABORT MISSION NOW! That was a close one, but that won't stop me from checking everything else. Who do they follow...? 

Oh...they follow those men from novelas...interesting...I think I have an idea of what you like Mariposa...oh? What is this? A couple's account..? The fuck is this..? Oh...Alright. Cute couples...I think I see where you're getting at. They also follow scary accounts..? Seems pretty basic, or is it..? What's this...? OH. I- NOPE. UM, FREAKY MUCH? MY FACE IS BURNING UP UM. YEAH NO. Let's just turn off my phone for now...Ah great timing, it's my turn.

*Back At The Dance Floor*

The song finally finished as then lots of guys crowded you and asked you if you wanted to dance with them. You felt a little overwhelmed as you didn't know who to choose. You scanned the whole room to see if you could spot Sero as Litzy then dragged you out of there and asked if you were okay. You thanked her as you then asked her if she had seen Sero around. Litzy was quiet and shrugged her arms. "I don't where that guy went. Maybe he went to eat?" Litzy said.

You nodded your head as you left the dancefloor and began to look for him. You wanted to dance with him since he did seem like an interesting soul. You were intrigued and wanted to see how having one single dance would feel. You went to where the food was but nothing. He wasn't there, you were a little bummed out as you looked outside where the children were at since they set up a bouncy house for them. 

He wasn't there either as you just sighed and walked back to the table to see if he was there. He wasn't. You just sighed and walked back to the dance floor. You walked to where Litzy was as you then told her you couldn't find him. She chuckled and told you he would turn up soon. You nodded and began to dance with Litzy in the meanwhile. As the song finished you stepped back as you bumped into someone. 

"Oh, I'm sorr-." You cut yourself off as you turned around to face the person. Your eyes widened as it was Sero. Your heart began to beat fast as he gave you the sweetest smile. "The names Hanta Sero, dance with me." Sero said as he extended his right arm to you waiting for an answer. You felt your hand shake slightly as you pointed at yourself. "M-Me..?" You said stuttering. "No...I was asking the neighbor. Yes, you Mariposa..." Sero said tilting his head slightly.

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