Part 71..

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"DOCTOR! THEY OPENED THEIR EYES!" Sero said running out of the room while you were laying on a bed with many wires going all over your body with a heart monitor on the side. You sat up from the bed and realized your hair was longer than usual which made question what was happening. Miguel and Litzy came running down inside the room you were in as they were screaming in shock. "G-guys. You need to get me out of here...Sero kidnap-." You were cut off.

Miguel and Litzy hugged the hell out of as if they haven't seen you in a while. "Please get me out! Please! I don't want to be here!" You panicked as you saw Sero walk into the room while your friends looked at you confused. "H-hey! Calm down, you need to relax. Your heart is beating way too fast." Sero said as he squeezed in where Miguel was to be closer to you. "N-no! Leave me alone! Guys! Please! I'm begging you!" You cried out while your voice cracked in the process.

"Hermosa, please calm down. It's going to be okay." Sero said cleaning up your tears that were rolling down your face. "Leave me alone...I trusted you..." You said crying even more while your heart was now completely shattered. "Mariposa, please let me explain..." Sero said softly as you shook your head. "Miguel, Litzy. Get out." Sero demanded as the doctor came inside the room while your friends left. "What is there to explain? You kidnapped me, drugged me, injected something in me." You said crying.

"You've been in a coma for a month due to the pill Sero gave you. Sero gave you the wrong pill which put you where you are now. We injected you with something to bring you back from the coma and it worked!" The doctor said happily while you looked at Sero and the doctor confused. "W-wait, so when you drugged me that was all real..?" You asked as he nodded his head. "Yes, everything after that was when you were in the coma." Sero said as you blankly looked at him. 

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