Part 63..

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Sero and you were chasing a paletero man to buy his elotes but he thought you two were trying to hurt him so he ran like crazy. "Señor! Espere! QUIERO COMPRAR SU ELOTE!" Sero screamed out as the paletero stopped and looked at you both. Sero told the paletero the situation as the man apologized and explained his misunderstanding. You just stood there awkwardly 🧍🏽‍♀️as you didn't understand what the hell they were saying but nodded your head to feel included. 👩🏽‍🦯

Sero bought chicharrones, two elotes, ice creams, and gave the man all the money he had. You thanked the paletero man who hugged Sero tightly as he was grateful for his kind act, it honestly made you tear up. The paletero man left as Sero handed you the stuff he bought. "I would invite you to eat somewhere nice but that is one hard-working man who deserves my money. I hope you understand." Sero said as you walked up to him and kissed his cheek.

"I thought that was the sweetest thing ever. Thank you." You said smiling at Sero was a bright red. You both sat on the sidewalk and ate your ice cream first so it wouldn't melt. "Remember when I asked you to dance? Your reaction was so cute." Sero said smiling as you just rolled your eyes. "We shared like two or three dances, right? Then we ate some food afterward since there were leftovers!" Sero said as you nodded your head in agreement.

"Yeah, and then that group of girls stole you away and I never saw you again for the rest of the night." You said eating your ice cream while Sero took a deep breath. "Y-yeah...but honestly I just had you in my head the whole time. They were boring as hell and wouldn't let me go." Sero said as he looked at you with a small smile. "When I called you Mariposa and saw your sweet smile I honestly felt my heart do a flip." Sero said chuckling to himself.

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