Part 26..(A Lil More Spicy)

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 Sero left a large purple mark on the side of your neck. You had your eyes closed as you enjoyed the feeling Sero was giving you, then out of nowhere you felt Sero bit your bottom lip and began to suck on it. You opened your eyes a little as Sero chuckled to himself, he let go of your bottom lip as he then said "You know, I would love to make you scream my name." You couldn't help but chuckle at him. "Then make me scream your name..." You said teasingly as Sero got flustered.

"Aw, what happened to your confidence.?' You asked making fun of him as he shook his head in embarrassment. As he was distracted you took advantage of it and got off him and swiftly landed on the floor. Sero snapped out of it as he saw you standing on the ground. "Wha-." Sero was immediately cut off as you pushed him against the fence making him curious about what your next move was. "Let me make you moan my name..." You said while you placed your thumb on his bottom lip.

"Oh...? I'd love to see you try Mariposa...I don't think you got to make me moan your name..." Sero said as he smirked at you. "I'm more on the dominant I don't know how you'll pull it off." Sero said teasing you while you rolled your eyes at him. "Confident tonight are we..?" You said while pulling down Sero's bottom lip with your thumb. "I may be submissive but I also love being a dom." You said smiling at him as your comment piqued Sero's interest.

"Your cute ass self being a dom..? There's no way in hell...wait...what are you doing...?'re on your knees...OH. Wait, we're on the dirt..your knees will get dirty. Oh? You don't mind...I mean if that's fine..with you then. Yes, I give you consent Mariposa...So eager to unbuckle my belt huh? Oh wow, that was fast..I-. " Sero said as he cut himself off as he felt your hands on him. "Dios Mio...Mi" Sero said quietly under his breath not wanting you to hear.

𝙰 𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚃𝚘 𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛...Where stories live. Discover now