Part 77..

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Many songs later you and Sero came to the conclusion you'd both finish with a slow song. Sero played the song 'You're an Angel' by The Penguins and held you closely so you wouldn't slip away from his embrace. You both swayed from side to side as Sero just smiled like an idiot. "You know this song doesn't really match with what we're both wearin-." You were cut off by a small kiss that was laid on your lips. "Shh...who cares..." Sero said softly into your ear.

You chuckled at his comment and just went along with it since the song sounds romantic. Sero looked down and his smile got 10x more big by your head being on his chest. "You know, these moments are the ones I always wanted to experience with someone special..." Sero said as he began to tear up by how special this moment was to have someone as beautiful as you to dance with. "Really?" You asked Sero who looked deep into your eyes and nodded his head.

"Of course Mi Amor, just being in your presence I get nervous because I don't want to fuck it up and look like a fucking idiot." Sero said as you just giggled at how serious he sounds. "Oh shut up, as if you didn't already look like an idiot before." You said teasingly as Sero glared at you. "I honestly don't know if you're joking or not." Sero said a little confused. "You are such an idiot, a stupidly hot idiot who is probably in the Mafia or some shit." You said smiling at Sero.

Sero scoffed at your comment and just held you as you both slow danced to the song. "I Love you." Sero said boldly making you look up at him. "What did you say?" You ask Sero as he sighed in pure admiration. "I. Love. You." Sero said directly at you making your body heat up by how amazing it sounds coming out of his mouth. "I already heard you the first time, I just wanted to hear it again. Now say it Spanish." You said smiling. "Dios Mio, Te Amo Nena." Sero said bringing you in for a kiss. 

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