Part 81..(Actual ending)

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"Sero!" You screamed breaking through the tape and crawling towards Sero but just as you reached for his hand you saw the fear in his eyes. Sero grabbed onto your hand and realized his hand was trembling. Before you could even pull him out the explosion went off making your heart drop as you saw Sero's body explode into bits of pieces. You were still holding onto his hand that was detached from his body making you scream in fear while being in midair from the explosion. 

"NO!" You screamed as you fell to the ground and began to crawl back to the truck that was on fire. "His cowboy hat..." You said reaching for the hat and holding it close to your chest. The night sky and empty streets were too quiet for comfort as the fire cackling was still on going making you break down as the tears fell onto Sero's hat. You opened your eyes as you saw Sero's head land right in front of you making you scream in fear by how horrific it looked. 

You then felt someone hugging you from behind as it felt familiar. "S-sero?" You said turning around to reveal no one but the empty dark streets. "Please...if that is you...don't do that..." You said crying your heart out as you clenched onto the cowboy hat. You felt your throat tighten at the thought that Sero was a ghost looking over you or even an angel. "Mariposa, it's going to be okay. I'll be waiting for you on the other side." You heard a little whisper right in your ear.

"STOP! YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART SERO! STOP! IS THIS EVEN REAL? AM I EVEN AWAKE?" You screamed out in agony as you felt your heart shattering into millions of pieces just like when you saw his body explode into pieces in the sky. "I'm right here...look at me..." Sero said lifting up your chin as you opened your eyes to see a transparent Sero smiling at you. "SERO!" You cried out and began to cry at the sight of a ghost Sero trying to comfort you which was crazy.

Sero smiled softly and brought you in for a hug that you were able to feel even though he was transparent. "H-how is t-this even p-possibe?" You said crying into his shoulder as he held you tightly. "I don't know but you need to calm down oka-." Sero was cut off. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BE CALM WHEN I JUST SAW YOU EXPLODE! YOU ARE LITERALLY DEAD!" You screamed at him while he shrugged his shoulder. "Yet you're trying because of me.." Sero said.

"I'll be by your side until it's your time to come with me..." Sero said grabbing your face and gently giving you a kiss on the forehead as you shook your head at him. "I Love you so much Amor..." Sero said as he brought you in for a sweet kiss making you cry even harder because you were kissing a ghost. "I Love you too..." You said through the kiss while you brought up your hand to the side of his face and caressed it. "Y/n..?" Miguel asked as he saw you kissing the air.

You turned to face where you heard Miguel's voice as he blankly looked at you. "What the fuck happened where is Sero..." Miguel said as he trailed off in his words and saw Sero's head laying right next to you in which he gagged and threw up. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!" Miguel said coughing after he finished throwing up and cocked his gun. "Sero..?" You said looking around and realized he was nowhere to be seen. "Car crash." You said pointing to the car that crashed you both.

Miguel walked over to the car and noticed your lifeless ex was in the driver's seat with a gun in his hand. "This is so fucked." Miguel said before dialing a number. You realized that Sero's head was still next to you. "Well shit." You said before you began crying into your hands. Miguel picked you up and took you to the car he came in. "I'm sorry." Miguel said as you looked out the window and saw black cars arriving at the scene making you cry even harder.

"The way he looked at me before he exploded into pieces was heartbreaking. It was almost as if he knew...he wasn't going to make it out alive..." You said quietly as Miguel focused on the road holding in his emotions because if you saw him get emotional you would have a full-on breakdown to the point you wouldn't recover. You ended up crying yourself to sleep while Miguel parked the car and broke down as he couldn't hold it any longer since he just lost his best friend.

"Mariposa..?" Sero said as he saw you sleeping on his bed back at the base. He laid down on the bed and cuddled you as a big spoon. "I'm sorry for was supposed to be a dance to remember but instead you saw me being blown up...yikes." Sero said as he pulled you in closer to his chest. "I promise you that you'll do fine without me Amor...we'll find a way back to each other." Sero said before hugging you tightly one last before fading away in thin air.

The End...

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