Part 72..

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 The room became silent as the doctor left the room and left Sero and you alone to talk it out. "So you never fucked me silly?" You asked Sero as he tilted his head to the side by how vulgar your words were. "No, that must have happened in your coma silly." Sero said shaking his head as he walked over to your bed and grabbed your hand. You felt a small kiss on your hand which made you smile softly at how romantic it was. "I'm so happy you're okay Mariposa..." Sero said.

" are right. I was in a coma because I just now realized I was back at school even though I graduated already. OH MY GOD! IT'S ALREADY JULY ISN'T! NO! MY SUMMER!" You said covering your face with how upset you were. "Hold on...why would you even have those drugs with you..? There's no way you're in the mafia...wait this isn't a hospital room.." You said looking around that room that felt homier than an actual hospital room. "Oh, fucking way." You said shocked.

"It's like If I'm living a Yagami Yato audio...or any other fan fiction that is poorly written and is being read by horny people" You said staring into nothing as Sero nodded his head. "I agree that the author is probably going to add a scene where we play Just Dance 3." Sero said shaking his head. "Anyways, my head hurts and I AM STARVING BRUH!" You said holding your stomach as Sero smiled and walked out of the room and came back with a white bag.

Sero brought you tacos from a Mexican food truck as he was planning on eating it himself but knew you needed it more. You dug in and ate to your heart's content while Sero admired you and sighed with happiness. "So after you kissed me while also drugging me was real but after that, it was all in my head right? I need to be reassured." You said to Sero who nodded his head. You were finishing up the food and saw Sero holding up the golden dress you wore on the dance floor at the party.   

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