Part 64..

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 Sero finished his food before you as he just checked his phone to see what time it was. You on the other hand were cherishing each savory bite as if it were your last. "What now you're texting your other hoes?" You said rolling your eyes as Sero just turned his head to face you. "No? I don't even have any? Why would I even do that?" Sero asked confused as you just ate your food peacefully. "I swear I'm not a player Mariposa." Sero said reassuring you.

"That night has just been playing over and over again in my head like a movie. The way you looked at me when I asked you to dance made me want to get to know you. We didn't get to talk much which is why I flew over here to see you. I know it sounds like a stretch but I just have this gut feeling that you are worth the flight. Your laugh was contagious as hell and your smile just had the biggest impact on me. I want to get to know you better Mariposa." Sero said smiling.

"I guess I'll do all the talking since you're still eating." Sero said as he gave you a sweet kiss on the cheek which made you stop eating for a second or two. You went back to eating your food as Sero just looked at you with pure admiration. "You look like a chipmunk stuffing their face with nuts..." Sero said as he then felt himself get red by his own comment yet you were choking on your food as you got flashbacks from your daydream you had an hour ago.

"Be careful Hermosa!" Sero said patting your back as you just shook your head in embarrassment. You swallowed your food and look at Sero with seriousness. "I was deadass dreaming about in my last class." You said boldly as Sero's eyes grew larger by your words. "O-oh? Tell me about it...?" Sero asked as you just began to chuckle. "The safe for work or the not safe for work one?" You asked Sero who covered his mouth and saw his face become a bright red. 

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